Protests Continue at Hospital That Fired Doctor for Citing Homosexual Health Concerns – IOTW Report

Protests Continue at Hospital That Fired Doctor for Citing Homosexual Health Concerns

dr church


In a move critics called “Orwellian,” a Boston hospital fired a well-respected urologist — merely for citing health concerns relating to homosexuality. And now those critics have taken up the cudgels for the doctor, protesting outside the hospital, which they say cares more about politics than health (video below).

The victim is Dr. Paul Church, a 65-year-old grandfather of six, who was notified of his termination from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) on March 30. The problem started, wrote in June, “more than 10 years ago when BIDMC began promoting LGBT activities, including Boston’s annual ‘Gay Pride Week.’ Church expressed concerns to hospital officials and on the hospital’s Intranet, noting that by supporting homosexual activities and strongly encouraging staff participation the administration was acting against its mission statement.” As Church explained, writes WND:

The facts, he said, are on his side.

“Although it has declined over the past few decades, two-thirds of all new HIV/AIDS infections in the U.S. are the result of men having sex with men. Fifty percent of ‘gay’ men will be infected with HIV by age 50. Those numbers are out there and they are staggering,” he said.



13 Comments on Protests Continue at Hospital That Fired Doctor for Citing Homosexual Health Concerns

  1. Round up all those who are opposed to a doctor telling the truth, and put them on some homo island. See how long it takes them to pull their politically correct heads out of their asses. Clean out their offices when they’re gone.

  2. In my years of living I have noticed that most women tend to establish relationships with their thoughts or concepts being guided by love or wishing for it. Men on the other hand are socially, instinctively, and biologically driven by “sex”. Love develops later or more slowly. While is quite understandable and natural to see that gays tend to “love” each other sooner or later, it is the MEN who are driven by “sex” as a first priority and as an initial attractant to other men OR women. Gay MEN practice some very disgusting habits……….and that is what differentiates them from gay women. This is not an absolute either way……but is the most prevalent situation. Older gay men tend to become pedophiles much more readily partly because of the male aggressiveness. It’s just the way it is folks. Making your sexual deviancy into a political statement is also unseemly……..

  3. I’m afraid way too many microbiology courses have steered me completely away from any thought of anal sex, no matter the persuasion.
    There is a one way sign, don’t enter, eh?

  4. This is a perfect example of how Massachusetts works! Folks, you may have the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to protect you but when you live in Massachusetts, you get assigned the opinion that the “State” wants to give you. We have had already had this done to us but now you will have to live with this K.R.A.A.P.! Good luck and god save us all!

  5. Let the faggots self destruct with aids, they won’t use common sense and keep their Dicks out of each others dirt holes. I say ,have at it gay boys, but you don’t get the same rights as normal people. Eventually they will all rot away.

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