PSA- Use Security Straps On Furniture When You Have Little Kids – IOTW Report

PSA- Use Security Straps On Furniture When You Have Little Kids

A dresser falls on a little kid when two twins are monkey around on the furniture.

The video shows a brother saving his sibling by pushing the heavy furniture off of him. It was probably the big pink ball on the floor in front of the dresser that kept the one that’s pinned from death. And the unpinned brother missed, at the very least, paralyzation by mere inches.

The news media has edited the video to show the sibling springing into action.

The unedited version is a little more comical (hey, the kid lived with no serious injuries, I can laugh.) The ultimate hero was a little more childlike earlier in the video.

All’s well that ends well, but get those security straps on the heavy furniture!


21 Comments on PSA- Use Security Straps On Furniture When You Have Little Kids

  1. No there are no straps needed on quality heavy furniture that is made properly. Furniture made for city goofs small space is unstable and sold at places like Ikea. Definitely strap that crap to the wall.

  2. The longer version sort of takes the drama out of the incident. More fake news. It looks like the open drawers and the light wood construction might have saved the twin brother from serious harm. There must be an obvious lesson here for parents with kids though.

  3. It doesn’t really matter how heavy or light it is, it can still cause damage, especially if propelled by an earthquake because it ramps up the speed with which the piece falls. And even heavy pieces can fall and, like lighter ones, land in just the way to cause lasting damage, especially to a tiny target.

    Anyone who lives in earthquake country should be securing at least pieces in children’s rooms, if not elsewhere. Alaska has earthquakes every single day and any one of them could be a larger one. And of course, California’s might be less frequent but their scary ass jolts need no introduction. I wouldn’t want to endure one of those suckers. Our own are bad enough, thank you very much.

    All that said, I’m glad the little guy is OK. Poor mom probably lost a few heartbeats when she saw what happened.

  4. First off, very glad the kids are okay. But… that “hero” pulled a pretty dick move by climbing back on top of the dresser while his bro was pinned under it. I’m sure the other one will take appropriate action later in life when he realizes it. As the father of four boys, I’ve watched how they hold grudges and wait for just the right time to remind each other of the slight.

  5. Where in the hell were the parents? A large piece of furniture falling over must have made some kind of noise. How do you not hear something like that happen and come running? Were they in a coma or something?

    (Hint for the moron parents: a surveillance camera is no substitute for, you know, ACTUAL parental supervision.)

  6. Teach the apes to NOT climb on the furniture.
    “Hurt, didn’t it? Now clean this shit up!”
    “Later in life, it’ll be a Coke machine – then you’ll be fucked! … ya dummy …”
    (not that I’d have ever raised MY kids like that …)

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Sadly, that was not the fortunate outcome for Ralph and Stymie, who died last year under similar circumstances. The babysitter rushed into the bedroom and jumped on the toppled bookcase. The NannyCam has never been found. Neither has the ‘sitter. 🙁

  8. @Ann Thracts ~ & here all the time I thought Ralph & Stymie perished in the infamous Cow Fart Lighting Incident where they were propelled through the bathroom window, landing on the babysitter, who was in the tub w/ Mr. Bubble … The Coroner concluded they all died from a combination of bubble farts, too much smoking & exhaustion

    …. it is possible that I could be misinformed

  9. The pink ball is what allowed the kid to push the dresser off his brother. The ball acted as a kind of wheel for the kid.

    This happened to my two kids when they were toddlers. I heard a crash one afternoon and my kids wailing and I rushed in to see a fallen IKEA dresser and my kids underneath it. I actually couldn see my kids

    I pulled it up in an instant, of course, and my son crawled out but my 2 year old daughter had her leg hooked in a drawer so i had to hold up the dresser with one hand and unhook my daughter’s leg with the other

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