PSUCKO – Psycho remake will remove the central theme of the original because it might offend the trans community – IOTW Report

PSUCKO – Psycho remake will remove the central theme of the original because it might offend the trans community

Psycho is about a mentally ill man so obsessed with his long dead domineering mother that he begins dressing like her.

In a bid to “not offend” transgenders the producers of this remake offend more, implying that a deranged man is part of that “community.”

This reminds me of when I offended a gay reader at this site because I posted a picture of a man holding hands with a 4 year-old boy walking along the beach (obviously father and son) that had the unfortunate caption “Virginia is For Lovers.”

In a very telling bit of rage the gay reader said I disparaged and offended gay people.

Through his fleck-spittled rant I reminded him that the only people who should be offended would be pedophiles, not gay people.

This only enraged the gay guy more and he threatened to kill me.

maybe the shoe fit

Psycho story HERE

23 Comments on PSUCKO – Psycho remake will remove the central theme of the original because it might offend the trans community

  1. There was a frame-by-frame remake of Psycho (about 20 years ago?) that went nowhere.
    This one will do the same. Lots of money spent, no money made.

  2. Why, why do they think they can mess with perfection…they’d be way better off to re-release the great movies to the theaters.

    DPW; yep, the remake had ann heche who as it turned out later really was a psycho.

  3. Well, isn’t that special. Others aren’t allowed to portray transgenders as mentally ill. Proving trans know they’re behavior is abnormal and too wrapped up in issues to see any levity.
    BTW, a gay contestant on the show, “Survivor”, just got kicked off the show for outing a trans “male”. .
    Six of one bunch of weirdos and half dozen of the other.

  4. Some movies (Citizen Kane, Gone with the Wind, Casablanca, etc.) should never be remade because it is virtually impossible to improve on them. Psycho is one of those movies.

  5. Hollyweird produces schlock and remade schlock.
    Everything they touch turns to shit.
    They make remakes of remakes because there isn’t an original thought in the whole town. The actors can’t act, the directors direct computerized stuff, and the money-men have figured out how to turn unmitigated disaster into mitigated, tax-exempt profit (that’s the only reason I can figure that they continue to turn out shit).
    No imagination, no vision, no courage, no art – just poor imitation.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. They already did this with the TV show Bates Motel a few weeks ago – they didn’t have Norman dressed as his mother and the producer confirmed it was not to offend transgenders. Hollywood is fine offending and portraying half the country as bigots, homophobes, intolerant, religious freaks etc. but God forbid they possibly offend .001% of the population of men that lie to wear dresses and call themselves Sally. Good priorities and why no one watches their shows anymore.

  7. I believe this article is actually talking about the TV series Bates Motel. I’m a big fan of the show, and with the re-creation of scenes from the original Psycho it made everyone believe it was going to go the same direction, but suddenly the writers threw in an amazing twist that came out of nowhere!
    I do not believe this twist was intended to “not offend transgenders” as Norman in the show has committed several murders as ‘Mother.’ In actuality, what was shown in this episode was the first time NORMAN actually committed a murder, with full consciousness and knowledge of what he was doing. And the way it was done was – in my opinion – brilliant! It went completely against all expectations.

  8. I agree that Hollywood should stop with the remakes. How many Batman and Supermans are out there now? I stopped watching them because I just don’t care anymore.

    My biggest beef is with the “The Day The Earth Stood Still” remake. Worst ever. Not only did they make Klatu a robot (Gort had more depth of emotion!) but the whole meaning of the movie was changed.

    Original: The earth will be “reduced to a burnt out cinder” if man takes their war-faring ways into space and threaten the peaceful arrangement they have created.

    Remake: You are hurting your planet and all the more-important-than-you animals. We will destroy you and all you have created and save Mother Earth.

    Worthless drivel.

  9. Hollywood doesn’t make movies for the US anymore. They make them for the rest of the world, you know, the shit-hole places, where the populations are about as dumbfooked as the liberals are here. That’s where the bulk of their box office/DVD revenue comes from.

  10. I agree the remake of The Day The Earth Stood Still sucked. I don’t like Keanu Reeves either, he’s no Michael Rennie. Can you imagine the ending to a remake of North By Northwest where the alternate ending instead of showing a train entering a railroad tunnel shows a train entering a bung hole. Yep, it would be that bad.

  11. Sychronus with the coming “national conversation” that will be forced by the media, soon they’re going to be portraying child molesters in the best possible light. I predict a sympathetic biopic about Roman Polanski will be one of the first moves.

  12. My 14-year-old son is a very serious movie aficionado and when he saw this headline, had QUITE a lot to say about it–in fact, he went on a bit of a rant. Suffice to say he dislikes the idea of remakes in general and loathes one of _Psycho_ in particular.

    I’m not quite as informed as he is on film history, nor am I an enthusiast in the way he is, but if they ever did a remake of _Casablanca_ … I don’t know, but it wouldn’t be positive.

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