Public Info! If under 18, you are 51 times more likely to die from vaccine than Covid… more numbers by age – IOTW Report

Public Info! If under 18, you are 51 times more likely to die from vaccine than Covid… more numbers by age

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9 Comments on Public Info! If under 18, you are 51 times more likely to die from vaccine than Covid… more numbers by age

  1. I smelled a rat as soon as they started calling Covid. “pandemic.” I have been a nurse for over twenty-five years, and I know I’ve said this here before; but, I will NEVER understand how easily my peers, colleagues and betters, were taken in by this glaringly obvious hoax. I am referring to the the medical workers that did not stand to benefit financially. We all know why hospital administration, the CMOs and the state and local health authorities became true believers.

  2. Many of these hospitals and hospital ran clinics still don’t want to give up the plandemic. They still require masks and temperature checks and ask you their stupid questions. They also ask about the jabs.
    Here in my part of the state that is about the only place you still see masks with the exception of the one or two you see wearing a mask in stores.

  3. It amazes me that people who lost loved ones from the jab aren’t out to exact a little payback on those who extorted people who didn’t want it, to have it.
    That’s my cue.
    As for the mask, it helps a little to keep from breathing dust when the leaf blower is used.
    Dust gets through, just not as readily as a virus.

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