Public School Exit . Com – IOTW Report

Public School Exit . Com

What is it?
It’s exactly what it says. Your guide [and support] to getting your kids and grandkids out of public schools.

h/t The Conservative Circus w/ James T. Harris

2 Comments on Public School Exit . Com

  1. Great stuff.
    16 yrs ago we pulled one of our boys from public high school. Dyslexic but very smart. We learned the hard way that special ed programs are not set up to help kids succeed. They are run only to guarantee the sp. ed teachers’ jobs and extra money for the schools.

    Anyway, Learning By Grace was the online school we chose.
    Nice to see them on the list. They had our son reading more difficult books than public school AP students.
    Not expensive either.

  2. I can tell you that this is the best thing that parents could ever do for their children – after giving them a solid understanding of living for God.

    My years of scoring student essays have proven to me that public school education is not just crap, but intentionally hazardous to your children’s mental, emotional and physical health.

    When we scored the essays, there was nothing to identify who the student was except they came in batches which identified if they were public, private, religious or home schools. The worst written essays? Inner city public schools. It broke my heart to read some of the pain these children go through.

    One question they had to write about was “If you could spend a day with anyone, who would it be and what would you do?” The answers from inner city kids were mostly about sports or entertainment heroes who would spend time with them and make them feel special. They were starved for love.

    Not only that, they could hardly put a sentence together properly, spell or use proper grammar.

    The times when I would read an essay from students that I could tell their parents educated them even though they were going to public schools … well, they were so uplifting. A normal essay like that would have the student tell you what they really believe, then they would tell you what the school wanted them to say so they would get a passing score! Did my heart good after all the pathetic brainwashed papers I’d have to read.

    That was over 4 years ago. I can imagine how pathetic it is now.


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