Public university admits to burying study finding no damage to water quality from fracking because funders ‘disappointed’ – IOTW Report

Public university admits to burying study finding no damage to water quality from fracking because funders ‘disappointed’


AmericanThinker: A three-year study undertaken by the state-funded University of Cincinnati will not be released to the public, because it found no damage at all.  This direct contradiction of the goals of many environmentalist groups had to be suppressed.  As the lead researcher said:

I am really sad to say this, but some of our funders, the groups that had given us funding in the past, were a little disappointed in our results. They feel that fracking is scary and so they were hoping this data could to a reason to ban it[.]

This is a scandal that goes to the heart of the relationship between science and public policy and the reliability of global warming doomsayers.   read more

11 Comments on Public university admits to burying study finding no damage to water quality from fracking because funders ‘disappointed’

  1. This is a perfect example of the state of Science in modern America.

    This happens more often than not.

    Disguising facts and drawing misleading conclusions if not outright lies.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Same thing with globaloney warming. Any studies that prove it’s a scam are buried and the scientists villified and muzzled.

    Thank God DT knows its all a bunch of BS.

  3. All too often the person that writes the check gets to determine the results. This is the same in these “studies” but especially true in opinion polls. I’d say this study was so bad for the greenies that they couldn’t even alter it and “smooth” the numbers so that it would turn out showing frakking at least slightly bad.

    The sad thing is that whoever wrote the check can just take the study under their arm and walk away and the University can’t do a damn thing about it because it’s not theirs. Changes to this mode of operation have to be made if people are again going to trust science coming out of Universities or Opinion Polls in general.

  4. As the Lefties and Socialists have overtaken many of the universities in the land, from staffing, to boards of regents, to teaching assistants and tenured professors, the value of advanced degrees has increasingly become worthless….Businesses know this, and hence you have higher jobless graduates now than ever before…. the Libbies have poisoned the water supply… let them die off…

  5. I believe the correction to this is more than privatizing the public universities. This would definitely skew how studies are conducted (payer plays).

    A better answer is to mandate that studies done within a public (taxpayer funded) school be available, unfettered, to the public.

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