Pulitzer Goes To Facts Challenged NYT 1619 Project Commentary – IOTW Report

Pulitzer Goes To Facts Challenged NYT 1619 Project Commentary


The 2020 Pulitzer Prize for commentary was awarded Monday to Nikole Hannah-Jones for an essay in the New York Times that falsely claimed the American Revolution was fought primarily to protect slavery.

The essay, titled “Our democracy’s founding ideals were false when they were written. Black Americans have fought to make them true,” launched the Times‘ controversial 1619 project. More

19 Comments on Pulitzer Goes To Facts Challenged NYT 1619 Project Commentary

  1. The pulitzer – like the nobel peace prize – has become bullshit.

    After yassar arafat won a nobel peace prize, it started smelling very bad. Obama winning one put it in its grave.

    Now the pulitzer is toast.

  2. You know of course that the Pulitzer Prize is named after the father of Yellow Journalism Joseph Pulitzer over a hundred years ago. So not much has changed even though most news is still as fake and made up as it was then. When they gave the Pulitzer Prize to Walter Durranty in the 1930’s for his glowing fake reports on the Soviet Union it became a travesty and has been ever since.

  3. Geoff Aardvark nailed it. The army’s Venona Cables intercepts PROVED right from the start that Walt Duranty was a hard left Socialist and had first hand knowledge of the Soviets deliberately starving to death tens of millions of Ukrainian people.

    The New York Times should give back Durantys Pulitzer along with an apology.

    It was Socialist Useful Idiots here in America that gave cover to murderous Socialists in Europe – Soviet Communism, German National Socialism and Italian Fascism.

    We also can also lay at the feet of Socialist Useful Idiots such things as “Earth Day” which really celebrates Lenin’s birthday and PC Political Correctness.


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