Pulling the Purse String – IOTW Report

Pulling the Purse String

HuffPo Editor: Tampons are a ‘Human Right’


If The Huffington Post had written the Declaration of Independence, all people would have the right to life, liberty, and a free supply of tampons.

“Free Tampons should be a human right,” according to Emily Peck, the executive business editor for The Huffington Post. That was what she claimed on March 8, 2016, while promoting the “Free the Tampons” organization started by tampon advocate Nancy Kramer. After all, toilet paper is free in public restrooms, so why aren’t feminine hygiene products? 

Peck pointed out that you’ve probably never paid for toilet paper in a public restroom in the United States, or had to bring your own toilet paper with you in a bag. Therefore, that must mean that toilet paper is a human right, and if that hygiene product is a human right, others ought to be as well.

“Tampons and pads should be treated just like toilet paper. They serve the same purpose — items to tend to our every day, normal bodily functions,” Nancy Kramer told The Huffington Post.

There are several flaws in Kramer’s and Peck’s logic. First, and arguably most important,  nothing in life is actually free.

What Kramer and Peck are really promoting by requiring “public” restrooms to provide free tampons is nothing more than the government forcing another regulation and expense on private companies. If Walmart had “free” tampons provided to anyone, Walmart would still have to pay for them.

Kramer’s research indicated that it costs roughly $4.67 per person per year to provide “free” sanitary products. On its face, that may seem inexpensive (“less than a fancy cup of coffee,” Kramer quipped), but it adds up quickly.

Suppose Walmart chose to supply sanitary products to just their U.S.-based employees: If half of Walmart’s 1.3 million nation-wide employees are women, Walmart would have to spend $3,035,500 per year on sanitary products. Just for employees. That figure would not include customers.


17 Comments on Pulling the Purse String

  1. Anybody besides me remember pay toilets that cost a dime or maybe a quarter to use? And guys were sneaking in under the stall door to use them anyway because they were cheap and had to go and didn’t have any change. Can you imagine the fuss and stink that would raise now if pay toilets were still around? And if it was a store in Venezuela or some other turd world shithole like Bernie wants to make us, tough darts, no toilet paper or tampons, period, no nothing you’re on your own pal.

  2. Maybe tampons aren’t free in public restrooms because they don’t have a damn thing to do with relieving yourself. Same with condoms, hand lotion, breath mints, and depending where you are a swath of smut products – You can often find coin-op machines hung on the wall selling these products.

  3. While the Right is worrying about ISIS, $19,000,000,000,000 in debt, 11-30 million illegals here and fixing the VA, the left is demanding free rubbers, free tampons and free college. We live on different planets!

    The White House sent me an e-mail yesterday explaining the horrors of #DiaperGap! Yes, Obama is missing Nancy’s funeral to address this serious issue at the SxSW lib fest.


    We need a Carrington class solar flare NOW!

  4. If stealing the time, education, and labor of a physician is a “human right” then why not the time, labor, and cotton of whomever makes tampons?

    There is NO end to it.

    Philosophically, theoretically, or actually.

    How bout food? Plumbing? Kitchen cabinets? Mercedes? Cessna 172? Heroin? Beer?

    Once the position is surrendered, there’s no further argument (which is the greatest mistake, or capitulation, of the Republicans (who are also disingenuous and want to steal from those who produce)).

  5. Remember when Universities dropped certain men’s athletic events due to Title IV (diving, wrestling, etc.)?

    The solution is simple…stop providing toilet paper. The Title IV act of public restrooms.

  6. Except it isn’t free, it costs that business money to stock the restroom and pay someone to keep it stocked and clean. They count that as an expense and roll that cost into whatever product or service you are purchasing from them. I hope she finds a place that gives out free tampons and she gets TSS from it. Then she can get her FREE obamacare and they can either amputate or tell her they can see her in 8 months. Get what you pay for, liberal dunce.

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