UPDATE: Punchable face gets body-slammed – IOTW Report

UPDATE: Punchable face gets body-slammed

Update: I asked the readers how they felt about this punchable face guy getting body-slammed. It was a resounding WGAF, with one reader saying he should have gotten a wooden shampoo for what he did.

You guys never let me down.

We often use the term “punchable face” for progressives that look like… well, like they need a punch in the face.


Christopher Morris, a photographer from Time, looks like the type of guy who would be marching to protest everything from lack of safe spaces to global weirding.

But how do we feel when we actually see them roughed up?

Click more for the body slam that took place at a Trump Rally. This poor guy goes down like a rigid rag doll.


31 Comments on UPDATE: Punchable face gets body-slammed

  1. I just looked at a short video (bing/videos) and mostly the guy was on the floor kicking at the secret service officer. For the next 30+ hours, the entire media complex is serving up “Trump is the Evil One!”

    If his book “My America” is any indication, he would be better off self-deporting like the women on The View.

    “In recent years, Morris has worked on his monograph, My America which was published in 2006. My America was produced while on assignment for TIME magazine covering U.S. President George W. Bush. Morris describes My America as his personal journey into a Republican America. Through portraits and landscapes, Morris hopes that the viewer “sees what he saw and feels what he felt – a nation that has wrapped its eyes so tightly in red, white, and blue that it has gone blind.” ~ Wikipedia

    I don’t think the security people did enough. Also, men shouldn’t wear girly scarves.

  2. Mickey M, It was because the “reporter” was told not to go beyond a certain line, then when the BLM assholes were being perp marched past, he decided to rush past that line. The SS agent said, NOPE, and the “reporter” said “Fuk You”. Agent sez, “Wut?”, so reporter gets froggy and CHEST BUTTS the agent and an inch from his nose said “FUK YOU” again! Body slam from the agent, then reporter kicks the agent when he was trying to pick the guy back up. THEN the ass grabs the agent by the throat!

  3. “how do we feel when we actually see them roughed up?”

    How do I FEEL?
    Uh, Satisfied? Elated? Pleased? About Time?

    Perhaps this slamee will have learned not to mess with a trained professional (though I really doubt it).

  4. What I’d really like to see is everyone who works at Gawker get punched in the face, like really hard, as in.. knocked the F out.. I also hope Hulk Hogan puts them out of business completely..

  5. Time’s response:


    Surprisingly they actually mention Morris’s bad behavior, but the ensuing assault on the SSA was “that he did so in order to demonstrate the choke hold he had just experienced.”

    Yeah. Right.

    Then they go into Trump-trash mode.

    Finally, from Morris: “I regret my role in the confrontation, but the agent’s response was disproportionate and unnecessarily violent. I hope this incident helps call attention to the challenges of press access.””

    I regret your leftist existence. I hope you’re in much pain as a result of your being a twatwaffle, and I hope your camera got smashed.

  6. I’m not even a Trump supporter. I’m a Cruz guy. But it really annoys me how Trump is being blamed for this. He was SECRET SERVICE!! If this happened at a 2008 Obama rally people would have been blaming sitting president W Bush. Also, if this had happened at an Obama rally it would NEVER have been reported

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