Punjabi, Tagalog, Haitian Creole… what do you need? – IOTW Report

Punjabi, Tagalog, Haitian Creole… what do you need?

I need the test in that clicking language…

ht/ farm wife

25 Comments on Punjabi, Tagalog, Haitian Creole… what do you need?

  1. …I work in an EXTREMELY polyglot workplace, and I can GUARENTEE you cant cover ALL the bases.

    I dont see Thai or Khmer on that list, for example, or ANY of the African languages apart from Swahili; and being a predominantly East African language (sorry, American cosplaying Blacks, your slave ancestors did NOT speak it), its mostly useful for Somalis and Somalis dont believe in work, so not even THAT.

    But it gets worse.

    …we had two guys from some Central African pest hole that spoke something clicky sounding called, very approximately, Twi. Only one spoke some English and neither spoke the debased French that is the closest Africa comes to a universal language, but in borderless America you get used to communicating simpl3 jobs by gesture, and this and his buddy’s kinda grasp of English made him marginally useful.

    He did manage to hurt himself before too many weeks passed though, so off to the hospital he went. The local hospital has a HUGE translation service, but even they couldnt find that particular assortment of pops and clicks, so we had to send the OTHER guy to translate enough for infomed consent to get him treated.

    …and all that is BEFORE you get into regional dialects, idioms, and dialects that will confuse even a root language user the way Ebonics may confuse an English speaker.

    Even pictures dont always work. We currently have a night shift guy we have to explain the CONCEPT of “Green smiley face/red frowny face” on a particular button to, so evedently even THOSE things arent universal.

    Good luck with that translation thingy, even though its impossible.

    Youd be better off reqiring English like we USED to.

  2. …in fairness to that BMV tho, at least that’s not the wokest language selection Ive seen. We had to take a dog once to a specialist vetrenarian in the city, and they had a list of available translators on every treatment room door, more sensibly and like a human hospital with the preferred language name IN that language on one side, and the English equivalent on the other.

    All was standard until it got to Russian. I dont speak or read Russian but I DO know what Cyrillic text looks like, but instead of it saying “Russian” it said “Ukranian”, even though the name of the language was Russian even in Ukrane until recently.

    It just seemed like stupid pettiness to me and also insulting to actual Russians, making them misname their language to get help for their pet just so some asshole could make a political point.

    …so yeah, it CAN be a stupider list.

    There is no limit to human stupidity, but theyre going to keep digging to try to find it…

  3. @SNS — When I was a kid a bunch of us Navy Juniors got into Double Dutch and became rapid-fire fluent. It drove our next door neighbor nuts that he couldn’t understand what his two daughters were saying, so he vowed to practice, practice, practice until he got good at it, too. He was the skipper of, IIRC, a destroyer, and I understand they still tell this story in San Diego. When getting ready to go to sea, the skipper used the PA system (or whatever the Navy calls it) so that everyone would hear his order all over the ship and dockside.

    “Seyebingeyeble Eyebup Eyeball Leyebines”
    (translation: “Single Up All Lines”)

    No Pig Latin for me, pal. Even my cats understand Pig Latin!

  4. BigFurHat, please forgive me for being a bit long winded back there . Just wanted to thank everyone for the kind support and then the comments were closed. Meant to thank Callmelennie for the Victor Frankl suggestion. Mr Frankl was a very wise man . Sorry for the diversion.

  5. Geni. So sorry for the loss of your beloved. The comments were closed and I missed it. He is now with our loving God. God bless and stay in touch.
    AA is my wife and she has a lot of wisdom of how to move forward after losing your husband, as I am sure others here do also. “Ask and you shall receive” many are here to help if you ask. God Bless.

  6. Geoff C. The Saltine, thank you. Love AA and I will take her advice to heart . I don’t know how to take a screenshot of that topic and save it. meh that’s just me .

  7. Uncle Al
    SATURDAY, 15 JUNE 2024, 16:04 AT 4:04 PM
    “When getting ready to go to sea, the skipper used the PA system (or whatever the Navy calls it)…”

    …Im no sailor, never been on anything that floats bigger than a dinner cruise, but I really liked books by Adm. DV Gallery (the skipper that captured U505), and from that and other works I belive its called the 1MC.

    Heres a definition;

    …and a list of DV Gallery books, really good even to a landlubber like me…


  8. Farm Wife , Yes, why not Hebrew ? A few nights ago I couldn’t get to sleep so turned the TV on straight to TCM . There was a movie on called “The Band’s Visit” It was set in a little town in Israel and the plot was that of an Egyptian Policemen’s Band of musicians had been invited to play at another town in Israel but they had missed the last bus to that town and wound up stranded in another. The people decided to take them to their homes to sleep over . For a little while it was a little tense and awkward but warmed up considerably and the little Egyptian Policemen’s Band did get to play at the other town . It was an Israeli movie and the credit roll was in Hebrew with English subtitles. It was lovely.

  9. In Burbank California around 2007 ish, my friend showed me his voter guide. The list of languages were 2 pages long.
    It was the language plus the dialects for that language.

    That’s how they got Adam Schiff.


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