Punny Books – IOTW Report

Punny Books

Here are just s0me of the ones that made me laugh particularly hard.

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17 Comments on Punny Books

  1. Make a hat that says Make Ohio Great Again with a picture of Gubber Kay-sick being kicked to Meeeeeeechigan.

    Lately it seems every story with a weirdo nut job has been from Ohio. Must be the son-of-a-mailman influence.

  2. @Eugenia
    Don’t you dare kick that stupid f@ck here. It took us friggin forever to get rid of Granholm, don’t really want more useless meat bags up here.

  3. This may be a little bit late but my personal favorite as a kid was from Woody Woodpecker where Wally Walrus played the Russian ambassador Ivan Awfulitch. And later from Car Talk (I miss Tommy since he died) was their Russian chauffeur Pickup Andropov.

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