Pupil Progression!!!! Progressive Style – IOTW Report

Pupil Progression!!!! Progressive Style

This is what all progressive school boards are rapidly going toward.

There will be no more homework in the Lafayette Parish of Louisiana. It’s hurtful when the students get things wrong.

Spelling or handwriting will no longer be graded. Again, hurtful.

Cheating will no longer result in a failing grade. Students will be allowed to retest. So, taking a shot at cheating is encouraged with this new rule.

Nice, right?

School is no longer a learning institution. Students will simply be indoctrinated with the approved cultural groupthink and they will be units in order to facilitate the flow of cash, siphoned from the private sector to the public sector.

When that dries up the planned destruction of America into just another feckless $hithole will be complete.

ht/ jd hasty

17 Comments on Pupil Progression!!!! Progressive Style

  1. Last year, the students weren’t performing up to standards. Next year they will be, but not because they’re any smarter. This is liberal policy in a nutshell.

  2. Problem solved! Just close all the public schools and mail every kid a High School diploma when they turn 18 (they can, however, purchase a college degree for $100,000 of borrowed federal money)!

  3. I am a father of 5. Still have 2 in school. For those of you who no longer have children in school, i will let you in on a little secret…..

    All they do is homework. The amount of homework increase i have seen over the last 20 years in my children’s homework assignments has sky rocketed. Kids do more learning at home then they do in school. It is insane. The teachers don’t want to grade it. Everything is geared toward, and based off state testing.
    I can send you 3rd grade common core math that will blow your mind. “Teaching” is nothing like teaching when we were in school. You would be amazed how screwed up things have gotten.

  4. Today, most children don’t need to go to school. There is no point. About 8 out of 10 of them could be excluded completely from any type of formalized education and there will be no difference in society 20 years from now.

    Pre K is daycare, Kindergarten is the same. These are people who still shit their pants and we want to put them in a “school” environment. Whatever.

    Test and select at ten years of age for the ones trainable. Turn them into the bosses of the others. They’ll need to learn cruelty, but we’ll come up with a better sounding term than that. “Enhanced Motivational Techniques” perhaps.

    Sort of like “Enhanced Interrogation”. Which is actually torture but it’s considered impolite to call it that.

  5. organgrinder is correct … where are the parents?

    schools obviously do not want to teach …. why send your kids? … oh yeah, ‘free’ daycare

    my niece, who is being raised by her mother (on gov’t. aid, can’t work due to ‘anxiety’ & getting free medical care, including obesity surgery) & a middling ‘B’ student, gets a full scholarship, room & board to a private East Coast college (btw, she has ‘anxiety’ issues too). while my granddaughter, who has gotten straight ‘A’s her entire ‘academic career’ & is 8th in academics in a school of 3,500 kids (& she’s a Junior), cannot get even a partial scholarship for tuition in schools within her own home state.

    No Justice …. No Peace!

  6. I work as an occasional substitute teacher (no education degree, just do it for the money which isn’t much but its money) Anyhow, I usually have a good time doing it but I am highly critical of schools today. Without the photocopy machine I don’t know what some teachers would do. That and the electronic Chromebooks, tablets, computer labs. Reading is mostly all “AR” books (I think accelerated reading) and often students are to find a comfy place to read to self in the room (who can get into a book in a room full of people when read to self might be for 10-15 min? I sure couldn’t. But they are lying on floor, in hall etc. Weird!) Then students are constantly taking the AR tests on their books. Running to library sometimes to do it. The whole day is constant interruption in which students do their own things. However, there are some teachers who are wonderful with orderly rooms, seems like they are in the minority from my viewpoint. Also a big criticism of mine is that many elementary rooms have the white boards (black boards phased out in all but the oldest schools due to allergy to chalk) boards almost completely covered with educations junk so we can’t even work arithmetic problems together which is a great activity they enjoy, being at the board and performing sometimes in competition. Multiplying 4 digits by 3 digits with decimals and long division is very challenging and they need all the practice they can get. They often have times tables taped on the corners of their desks, this is pretty standard. There are no manuscript or cursive charts in any rooms (maybe one I’ve seen) and something so basic as a large calendar is totally missing. Then they will have days of week on spelling tests and often many can’t even spell Wednesday! School libraries are becoming unstaffed and many books can’t be read as they are not official “AR” books :(.

  7. forgot to add that my previous post is about small town rural schools. In urban schools taking books home is often not even allowed since there’s no guarantee the books will ever return. Thus the copy machine gets used a lot there. My kids went to fairly decent urban schools and now we are back in small town and one is here and the other wants to follow. Sick of the urban scene and all its problems

  8. also want to say I have sat in on some rural high school teachers classes and many of them are excellent! this when I’m subbing for special ed teachers who accompany their students to the regular classes and sit with them taking notes (I take the notes) mostly I do elementary

  9. and don’t even get me started on going to the nurse, water bottles, popcorn Fridays and “catching them being good” and birthday parties and “centers” Instead of student of the month its now of the week I’m done


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