Purported manifesto authored by El Paso Shooter – IOTW Report

Purported manifesto authored by El Paso Shooter

The FBI is still investigating its authenticity.

48 Comments on Purported manifesto authored by El Paso Shooter

  1. He sounds like a big sound bite from a right winger
    radio station until it breaks hard left in the middle. Somebody couldn’t keep the story line going. To quote
    the “Watermelon’s” slip:
    “Corporations are heaing the destruction of our environment by shamelessly over harvesting resources. This has been
    a problem for decades. For example, this phenomenon is brilliantly portrayed in the decades old classic “The Lorax”. Water sheds around the country, especially in agricultural areas, are being depleted. Fresh water is
    being polluted from farming
    and oil drilling operations. Consumer culture is creating thousands of tons of unnecessary plastic waste
    and electronic waste, and recycling to help slow this down is almost non-existent. Urban sprawl creates inefficient cities which unnecessarily destroys millions of acres of land. We even use god knows how many trees worth of paper towels just wipe water off our hands. Everything I have
    seen and heard in my
    short life has led me to believe that the average A
    merican isn’t willing to change their lifestyle, even if
    the changes only cause a slight inconvenience. The
    government is unwilling to tackle these issues
    beyond empty promises since they are owned by corporations. Corporations that also like immigration because more
    people means a bigger market for their
    products. I just want to say that I love the people
    of this country, but god damn most of y’all are just too stubborn to change your lifestyle. So the next
    logical step is to decrease the number of people in
    America using resources. If we can get rid of enough
    people, then our way of life can become more sustainable.”
    A commie wrote this and I call Bullshit BIG TIME..

  2. Was he an NRA member? That’s what they want to know.
    Me? I don’t give a fucki. Glad they got him alive. Maybe they can find something out about how his mind works. Not that I give a fuck either. I’m just tired of all this shit.

  3. Guy is obviously bi-polar. First half sounds like it was written by Alex Jones, the second half by Michael Moore.

    This shooting was in Texas; where were the armed citizens?

  4. It’s reading for a head-shrink, not the rest of us.

    Bottom line: if we had CCWs, the likes of this moron would be shot dead as soon as they whipped out their weapon.

  5. NBC is pure Evil.
    How can such EVIL LIVE be overlooked or dismissed?
    From under 30 Evil Rocks is where Evil will again arise.
    That was written a long, long time ago.
    NBC is Satanic Evil and they prove it Live 24/7/365.

  6. I read just a few hours after the shooting that the police were saying “not to jump to any conclusions” about how many people were involved and whether it was a terrorist plot. We all know what it means when authorities tell us not to jump to conclusions.

    Mrs. RMM commented that these shootings seem to occur when Dems need a distraction. It makes you wonder.

  7. i’m thinking Manchurian Candidate. We know the gov can make them. They program people to do this with some sort of hypnotic trigger.

    Seriously. They can do that.

  8. Manifesto sounds like it was written by someone else.

    None of the facts coming out so far make sense except as a staged event, i.e. AntiFa brainwashed a susceptible individual into taking one for the team.

  9. Past history and rational thought show that the FBI sponsors terrorist patsies and also does its own crimes against the people. Initially it was to protect America’s security, but has now become a power being used to take down patriotic Americans.



    The MSM and the politicians for gun grabbing are hot-dogging their agenda all over the media. Nowhere is there any advice that Americans should be ready to defend themselves by carrying guns. That really shows how staged these shootings are.

    Charlie WalksonWater and Mark S. McGrew are using their “little gray cells” to think. — Hercule Poirot style 🙂

  10. They’ll spin that he’s a supporter of Trump. If so, wouldn’t he analyze that if he does this evil deed it’ll blow back on Trump and do just the opposite of what he’s trying to accomplish by shooting a bunch of people? If he has enough supposed rational thought to put together this manifesto that the media believes verbatim-couldn’t he comprehend the implications of his actions?

    Something just isn’t right. It’s horrible what has happened-and so much worst if it was a political opp. I’m glad I’m not the only one questioning the timing of everything.😢

  11. It’s been about 10 years since I was last in the Oregon district. I recall it as in process of being reclaimed and gentrified. It was somewhat yuppified but not entirely. It’s probably gotten much more hipster since. IOW, not the kind of place you’d expect a mass bar shooting (that’d be a couple miles over in Trotwood) but what does “wouldn’t expect it here” even mean anymore.

  12. There are only a limited number of FALSE FLAGS possible before people realize their purpose and revolt over all the collateral damage in deaths.

    Texas and Ohio have just about taken them to the brink. As usual, they overplay their hand.

  13. Commenters at CTH are posting screenshots purportedly of the killer’s online media showing him having a history of anti-Trump stuff and liberal stuff that apparently now has been scrubbed. (I just added ‘purportedly’ above)

    The Gateway Pundit is showing screenshots purportedly from killer’s My Life profile page where the killer is identified as democrat. After the shooting, that same page now purportedly identifies him as being repub + a bunch of crazy hateful stuff.

    Anyone else seeing this anywhere? Apologies if I missed it upthread, I didn’t click links

  14. This all started happening after years of the Ten Commandments being removed from our schools (Thou shalt not kill), violent video games and violent tv/movies. There is no sensitivity to death anymore.

    We recited the commandments every morning in school.

    Still Hollywood and dems blame it on guns. Guns have been owned since the 18th century.

  15. A screed of bullshit prepared ahead of time by his handlers. The shooter didn’t compose a word of, and has never seen, his so called Manifesto. Is it just me, or is this series of events becoming very predictable?

  16. He blew it in the first paragraph. The American indians did not OWN this land. Who gave it to them? They were just barbaric occupiers. Just like barbarians throughout history they killed, raped, tortured and “stole” their neighbors land.

  17. The shooter would have offered no resistance…
    With a bullet hole in the middle his forehead,
    This animal is clearly beyond rehabilitation of any sort,
    Somebody should have put the poor bastard out of his misery!!
    Every time there is a mass murder, the shooter is not taken alive for any reason.

  18. It’s odd that both the Texas and Ohio shooters arrive wearing ear protection.

    Me thinks desperation has overcome the Deep State.

    No one is safe when political thugs are backed up against the wall.


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