Put me down as a Refusee – IOTW Report

Put me down as a Refusee

ht/ c. steven tucker

The original literature before photoshop—>

17 Comments on Put me down as a Refusee

  1. Looks as if that mentally insane person is wearing a giant hotel ‘Do not disturb’ sign around its neck. A disturbing ‘Do not disturb’ sign. Please tell me “legs” was photoshopped where it used to say “arms”. Either way: puke.

  2. Let me get this straight.
    They’re wearing rainbow signs asking for refugees to hang out in their homes, refugees that are from muslim nations and act accordingly to their book regarding gays and women?

  3. They’re called swamp donkeys for a reason.

    Top Definition:

    Swamp Donkey

    A very ugly, usually fat girl who hangs around in bars and clubs waiting to sexually assault males who are too drunk to defend themselves.

    “Damn! Look at her! What a swamp donkey!”

  4. Maybe one or two of them would like one way tickets to the middle east where they get to watch uncovered women lashed and homos thrown off buildings. “I’ve been going to college 4 years and no one ever told me that. It was never on the news.”

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