Put this guy away- He’s displaying behavior that will most likely lead to tragedy – IOTW Report

Put this guy away- He’s displaying behavior that will most likely lead to tragedy

In 2013, Steven Errante beat his family dog with a baseball bat.

Since then he’s been accused of having sex with horses on multiple occasions and failing to register as an animal abuser.

The arc of this guy’s life is not leading towards a civics award, trust me. He’s an army vet who’s spent time in the VA.

Get him away from people while he gets the help he needs.

Fox has more

ht/ fdr in hell

36 Comments on Put this guy away- He’s displaying behavior that will most likely lead to tragedy

  1. Sex with a horse is more than sex with an ostrich, and an ostrich takes 2 to hold it down and one to do the fuckin. He was taking it from the horse given his V-neck pansy headshot and lack of buddies to hold down the horse.

  2. He served his country so he gets a chance. If he fails that (for example voluntarily going off prescribed meds more then three times and/or harming someone) then either life in a supermax (keep him away from other people but give him perks other criminals don’t get) or put him down. At some point people need to realize that there are some poor people on this earth whose wiring is wrong and no amount of meds or therapy will correct them. In the long run I believe that putting these people out of their misery is kinder to both them and the population as a whole.

  3. Let me guess:
    Next mayor of New York City?
    Governor of New York?
    Senator from Arizona?
    Senator from Massachusetts?
    Mayor or Chief of Police of Chicago?
    Mayor or District Attorney of Baltimore?

    Am I getting close?

    Imam of Riyadh?
    Mayor of London?
    Prime Minister of Germany?
    President of France?
    Head of ISIS?
    Arafat II?

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. In every society there are going to be a handful of the utter extremes. Mother Teresa on one end and a serial killer on the other. This guy is way out there. He needs to be separated from society, heavily medicated and analyzed for our own safety. Animal abuse if the gate way drug to murder with many messed up people.

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