Put Up or Shut Up Leftist – IOTW Report

Put Up or Shut Up Leftist


YouTube social prankster Joey Salads went to LAX and asked Muslim ban protestors if they would be willing to share their homes with refugees they want let into the country.  The generosity of these typical leftists was all too predictable.


18 Comments on Put Up or Shut Up Leftist

  1. Cripes! All the woman who said they were single were “apprehensive” about housing and feeding a refugee in her home. I guess they just figured that all the refugees were male. Wonder how they got that assumption…

  2. ” I wouldn’t feel safe or my girlfriend wouldn’t feel safe!’

    THAT is the reason for the TEMPORARY ban. What idiotic lame brained jerks.

    Amazing just how transparent the left’s failures are to the American public. They are willingly killing themselves.

  3. A poli sci professor of mine (way back when) defined a liberal as “someone who best knows how to spend my money” (I told you it was a long time ago)–I’m glad to see that Professor Lambert’s definition still holds true.
    Doncha just love the hats those “special” snowflakes are wearing?

  4. Socialism works only as long as OTHER people’s money holds out!

    Besides, all these unemployed Leftist pukes are already milking the system. They don’t need the few bucks Ahmed would pump into the crib.

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