Gateway Pundit: Russian President Vladimir Putin was asked about his prediction of the future of Europe with Trump as US President. Putin did not hesitate to slam the European elites. He says they will soon get in line despite working against Trump in the election.
Via Russia Today.
Vladimir Putin: Nothing has changed. They were happy to carry out any order from Washington under Biden. They just don’t like Trump. They forgot him actively, really interfered in political life, in the election process of the United States. And then they were confused when Trump suddenly won. more
Just wait until DJT slaps a 100% tariff on their cars. The same as they do to ours. Stupid Euro weenies. And as far as Canada goes, we are responsible for 33% of their economy. Let’s see if they can survive with out that.
Just wait until DJT slaps a 100% tariff on their cars.
They’ll just buy Russian cars. Doesn’t everybody want one?
Russia will never be productive until they embrace Capitalism 100%. They have let out the string a bit, but nothing clicks on all cylinders like full-blown Capitalism.
Additionally, Trump will eliminate a lot of the obstacles, regulations and ted tape that has been gumming up the works over the years to free us up.
Most of them need to be tried, convicted, and executed by their countries.
Europeans will not buy Russian cars with the famous Russian Guarantee. “30 seconds after purchase or 30 feet. whichever comes first”.
I’m sort of bothered by the fact that I find much to admire in ex-KGB bad guy Vladimir Putin. But I do.
The line starts back there. Get your entitled asses back there. No line jacking. There are 200 plus Americans in front of you. And as for the French, the showers are that way. There are instructions on how to use them and a complementary bar of soap on that table right outside.
Putin is practically giddy President Trump is back. As bizarre as it sounds, Putin was one of the few leaders using “common sense” as it applies to policies. Based on his statements he felt he had to fight off the stupidity of EU by himself.
Now that President Trump is back Putin feels like he can exhale because a leader he considers his equal can help keep the EU and Ukraine in check.
Also, Putin understands President Trump won’t tolerate Russia making any anti-American maneuvers. He respects President Trump’s strong leadership.
Pogo, in other words Russian cars are worse than Yugo’s. You know the old joke about Yugo’s, how do you double the value of a Yugo? Fill it up with gas.