Putin is a Bully? Is Joe in Seventh Grade? – IOTW Report

Putin is a Bully? Is Joe in Seventh Grade?

Patriot Retort: Yesterday, the President of the United States referred to the Kleptocrat in the Kremlin as a bully.

He’s been doing it for years. Like this video from 2019:

26 Comments on Putin is a Bully? Is Joe in Seventh Grade?

  1. No one has ever said “Joe Biden is brilliant”. Hell, he thinks his criminal drug addict son is “the smartest man he knows”.
    Joe is a habitual lying bull shitting idiot.

  2. How FUCKING embarrassing. But Biden, like Pelosi, like the Clintons, like Obama, like Kerry, and all the other delusional, arrogant elitists, are too arrogant to be embarrassed. Embarrassment is for the lower class. The pawns.

  3. Just wait, it’s going to get much worse. Dementia Joe and Doktor Jill and the Kalamitous Jamindian are on a losing streak that will make Neville Chamberlain look like an absolute strongman. Just remember, none of the leaders of the European countries that opposed Adolf Hitler were mentally incompetent. Misguided, but not mentally incompetent. Perhaps, it’s time for Humper to call in some of those favors the Russians and the former, deposed Ukrainian bagmen paid the Bidens millions of dollars for.

  4. Not to worry, the husk will take Putin out behind the gym to put the whoop on him. Just like he threatened to do to our legitimate president. Perhaps Putin is the real Corn Pop!!! Only he goes by Kukuruzny Popp in his native Russian.

  5. “How does only hit one key at a time?”

    proper use of the sack will ring a decent chord … takes a lot of practice

    ‘dun dun, dun DUN!’ … Beethoven’s Fifth w/ accompaniment by Balzac … so to speak

  6. Most dementia patients do live in the ancient past, and 7th grade was at least 200 years ago (before his 180 years in the senate ya’ know!), so it makes sense for DementiaJoe

  7. btw, the whole demonrat initiative is grounded in jr. high student council

    yearbook committee, newspaper committee, prom committee, Young fucktards committee … ad infinitum

    once you understand where their stunted motivation comes from, you understand their insipid reactions to any circumstance … no action, no solutions, no answers … just more meetings, fund raising, ‘feed the children’, ‘save the planet’ bullshit

    now sign my yearbook & tell me how wonderful I am

  8. Donny, as dumb as they come, could barely get by in grade school. Always in detention, that was the extent of his education, detention. Fake passing grades is all that followed.

  9. Anondick compares the intelligence of a multi-billion dollar entertainment and international real estate tycoon to a flaccid, senile, political buffoon who has never signed a paycheck other than his own.

    The Pedo is a deeply stupid man who has lived off our money for 50 years.

    Here’s a clue Anon Dick, the capital driven world is a vicious dog eat dog environment.

    Gubmit, non profits, GSOs, and academia is where idiots like you and the Pedo reside because you can’t hack it on individual merit.

    Regardless of PDJTs silver spoon life, obnoxious personality,and education this nation was better off in every single metric.

    I will take a tough capitalist who succeeded in Queens against a cowardly government blowhard anyway of the week.

    When he is President again you need to stfu and slink away.


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