Putin will block foreign warships from entering Black Sea via the Kerch Strait – IOTW Report

Putin will block foreign warships from entering Black Sea via the Kerch Strait

Just The News-

Russia will block foreign warships and non-commercial vessels from transiting the Kerch Strait to access the Black Sea, according to reports from Ukrainian media. The strait lies between Crimea and Russia, and connects the Black Sea to the Sea of Azov.

The closure will be in effect from April 24 through an unspecified date in October, according to the Kyiv Post. The blockage reportedly is to seal off the Black Sea for military drills, and comes amid heightened speculation of an imminent war between Russia and Ukraine.

The move materialized after Russia on Tuesday warned the U.S. to avoid the area “for their own good,” prompting the Biden administration to cancel plans for two U.S. Navy warships to enter the Black Sea. more

20 Comments on Putin will block foreign warships from entering Black Sea via the Kerch Strait

  1. This is like when you stay too late at a party to watch an ex couple fight.

    :Russia: “Can I talk to you, NOW.?”
    :Ukraine: “Afraid of making a scene in front of the neighbors?”
    :Russia: ” I KNEW you’d act like this.”
    :Ukraine: “What do you care? Were not a couple anymore.”
    :Russia with face turning red: “We need some privacy.”
    :Ukraine: “Help! Help! He’s smothering me! He’s smo-mmmph..”

  2. I hope somebody can explain what’s really going on.

    Access to the Black Sea from the rest of the world is through the Bosporus, which is controlled by Turkey. The Kerch Strait gets you from the Black Sea into the Sea of Azov which lies between Ukraine and Russia. Blocking the Kerch Strait to keep foreign warships out of the Black Sea makes absolutely no sense at all unless those warships have already transited the Black Sea and are currently cruising around the Sea of Azov.

    The story was written by a geographic ignoramus, edited by a geographic ignoramus, and published by a whole crew of geographic ignoramuses.

  3. shutting down the Black Sea is ‘raaaaaaaaaaysis’

    watch out Vlad, Burn, Loot & Murder is comin’ for ya!

    (really, wouldn’t you just luv to see that? BLM would be stomped faster than Marshall Zhukov took Berlin)

  4. Ya think this is how Putin reacts when Kerry & Biden Admin try to prevent Germany from finalizing the NORD STREAM 2 Pipeline.

    I do.

    Hell it was news on IOTW within the last couple days.

  5. Vlad knows that The Obanma II admin is totaly disfunctional right now. They are to worried about consolidating thier power at home and no one in this admin has any clue how to handle foriegn policy. He’s also counting on China and it actions in the pacific to act as a distraction. I also think it would be a really bad idea to send any Naval force of size into a body of water like the Black Sea because of the restricted area for operations (Just like the Persian Gulf)

  6. Imagine this scenario, If the Russians start some shit and the ChiComs start some shit and get the NoKO’s and Iran to start some too along with an increased asualt on our southern border by “undocumented immigrants”, then throw in some BLM and Antifa “Peaceful Protests” in major cities this group of ass clowns running our country would have a very interesting problem. Maybe that what is going to take to stop all of this Woke Cancel Culture systemic rascist bull and wake this country up

  7. Obama, Hillary, Biden and McCain have their dirty paws all over the Ukraine mess. I’m rooting for Russia. Popcorn, please.

    On the other hand, if China so much as touches Taiwan’s soil…

    NUKE EM.


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