Putin’s motives questioned as Russia targets pro-Western rebels, not Islamic State – IOTW Report

Putin’s motives questioned as Russia targets pro-Western rebels, not Islamic State

WaTimes: Russian President Vladimir Putin, ignoring Washington, escalated his war in Syria against Islamist armies Wednesday by launching a sea bombardment along with air and land attacks.

NATO allies said the Russians are overwhelmingly targeting pro-Western rebels, rejecting Moscow’s public relations line that it is going after a common enemy: the Islamic State’s terrorist army. 

The West increasingly views Mr. Putin’s military adventure as an effort to rebuild the regime of Syrian PresidentBashar Assad by eliminating opposition groups funded and organized by the United States. They see little evidence that he is hitting facilities run by the Islamic State, also known as ISIL, ISIS and Daesh.  more

9 Comments on Putin’s motives questioned as Russia targets pro-Western rebels, not Islamic State

  1. Come on, like you didn’t think about this being “why” Putin got involved? Who would step up to stop him?

    1: Keep the dictator in power.

    2: Kill all his resistance

    3: Look like you’re killing isis.

    4: Kill dictator and take Syria

  2. “pro-Western” SInce when have the anti-Asssad Islamic militias been pro-Western? Its an inflammatory phrase, and editors, of this article and the many others, know it. Orwell is proud.

  3. Putin doesn’t give a damn about how obvious it is, either. I wonder how much Hillarie’s email systems played a part in his boldness. If any. Or was it just trial (Ukraine) and (no) error?

  4. various things could be going on. Just off the cuff:

    – 0bama controlled press is SAYING Putin is doing this or that, but it’s just lies.

    – 0bama’s “rebels” are in fact ISIS thus Putin is killing them.

    – 0bama’s “rebels” are against Syria so Putin is killing them along with ISIS because Putin wants Syria to stay just the way it is.

    – Putin is doing it by mistake

    – Putin is doing it on purpose to piss off 0bama

    I’d bet on #3 and #5

  5. i sure as hell dont believe obama or the jew haters at the UN. Putin claims Orthodox religion… but he supports Iran…against the Jews.

    I dont know if i believe any of them.

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