Putting Joe Biden on a Bike To Prove How Young He Is Just Backfired Bigly – IOTW Report

Putting Joe Biden on a Bike To Prove How Young He Is Just Backfired Bigly

Salty Cracker with the details.
[Some spicy language]

28 Comments on Putting Joe Biden on a Bike To Prove How Young He Is Just Backfired Bigly

  1. Was just talking to my brother about this. What idiot’s idea was it to put Joe on a bike in front of a bunch of reporters? How fucking stupid do you have to be not to have known how it would turn out?

  2. If that was Trump the press would be 24/7 “if he is unfit to ride a bike he is unfit for office… time to invoke amendment 26.” Lucky for him Kamala is his insurance card.

  3. The Washington Standard (also whatfinger link) has a detailed report on Joe Biden’s long history of pedophilia, past and current. Included is an account by Biden’s former college mate describing Biden’s vulgar acts and comments regarding sekually assaulting female youngsters. The WS also included films and videos of Biden groping and fondling young female children along with his inappropriate seks remarks to these kids.

  4. Remember when Poor Joey supposedly broke his foot chasing his dog down the hall after a shower? Dementia Joe needs more attentive handlers when he’s down there at the Wilmington Hideout in Doktor Jill’s and Humper’s company. I’ll bet the Kalamitous Jamindian knows a good Witch Doctor. Paging Doctor Voodoo!

  5. I have never seen a flatbar fitness bike with toe clip pedals. I believe they put those on to hold his feet to the pedals for the photo op, and it backfired. Notice that all the other bikes have flat pedals. Let’s see him ride uphill.

  6. He didn’t fall off the bike.

    He fell off the ground. Look at the vid and he’s dismounted (more ways than 1). If he can’t even stand by himself, the Demos are in for an interesting time.

  7. I agree with the Salty Cracker, All for optics, all staged, all fake, all the time. Stage managed to the inth degree and the dipshit even fucks that up.

    So eager to get his pedo on he can’t even concentrate long enough to stand upright.

    Well now the whole “let’s ride a bike” to prove vitality is done. They can send the body double packing now.

    The only reason this was the pedo himself this time was because they had kids waiting.

    Sick fuckers know he is a pedo and bring their kids anyway.

  8. “Sick fuckers know he is a pedo and bring their kids anyway.”

    THAT’s WHY they bring their kids.
    One good turn deserves another.
    They are hoping that their brat will be picked to be fondled by Joey – that gives them cachet – something to brag about at the PTA where their kids are being “groomed” and perverted.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Walks over to kid, bends down and says ” You ever seen a grown man naked?” If I was there and after he fell over would I be a bad person if I laughed? How about if I kept the people from helping him?

  10. Anonymous- that was, allegedly, DOCTOR Jill. You know,
    “her husband” lol.

    Replying to
    Someone tell the “dr” how to wear a helmet correctly.

    He was supposed to make the right but went straight instead. And like someone said, he got sidetracked because he saw a little kid in the audience.

    So gross.

  11. The first pResident in the WH that I’ve ever witnessed to be the biggest bungling idiot ever. I am actually scared for our country. I can’t help but think we are done, if not, we’re too far gone. Far too much unhappiness. Joe puts on these antics to amuse us, it’s actually now the opposite – it’s frightening to watch a lying dog faced pony soldier.

  12. Chauncey Gardner for President, he was smarter than joey will ever hope to be. Even Pee Wee Herman, another sexual pervert would be better than joey. And he had a cooler, more flamboyant bike than joey does, streamers hanging off his handlebars and all.


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