Q* Shakes Up AI – IOTW Report

Q* Shakes Up AI

The Week

A section of OpenAI staff believe that Project Q* could be a breakthrough in OpenAI’s search for artificial general intelligence (AGI), according to a source cited by Reuters. According to the company, AGI are “autonomous systems that surpass humans in most economically valuable tasks.”

The AI algorithm could ace grade-school math and researchers at OpenAI were optimistic about the future success of Q*, the source told Reuters.

Generative AI is currently good at writing and language translation where the answers can vary widely. However, the ability to solve math problems where there is only one correct answer indicates that AI is capable of performing close to the level of human intelligence, according to the new agency. More

10 Comments on Q* Shakes Up AI

  1. Computer/software systems have been able to solve math problems longer than I’ve been alive, and was born in 1949. It all depends on how you state the problem.

    I’ve lost count of the number of breathless AI breakthrough announcements I’ve heard that have swallowed by the cybernetic quicksand. Could this be the Big One? Sure. Theoretically. Am I waiting with bated breath to find out? No.

  2. “… the ability to solve math problems where there is only one correct answer indicates that AI is capable of performing close to the level of human intelligence …”

    I thought having only one correct answer to math problems was a racist white thing .

    Will close not be ok anymore 🤣

  3. Once AI is at the point where it builds its own robot factories without human intervention, we’re all done for. We’ll step outside one day and see hordes of those robot dogs with infantry rifles, shotguns, mortars, & grenade launchers on their shoulders with AI air power backing them up, and we’re gonna get slaughtered.


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