Q – The Plan to Save the World – IOTW Report

Q – The Plan to Save the World

ht/ tsunami

26 Comments on Q – The Plan to Save the World

  1. Like I iterated to BFH, there’s only one thing this video asserts that I disagree with; that the Deep State can’t do anything to reverse their demise.

    Desperate people do desperate things – up to, and including a nuclear event. Anything to scare and corral the sheep into looking to the Deep State for guidance and protection.

    They assassinated JFK for trying to expose the cabal.

    What if these desperate people could accomplish both the removal of Trump while simultaneously propelling the entire population of the world towards government savior?

  2. Sorry, but the greatest story ever told, or that will ever been known is the story of the love of God Almighty, and the sacrifice, resurrection, and salvation found only through the Lord Jesus Christ! Amen!

  3. The plan to save the world was implemented and completed 2000 years ago by God through the shed blood of Jesus Christ – Victorious, Living Savior King and Lord.
    Still it’s nice to have allies who see the big picture. Biblical, yes indeed!

  4. @ joe6pac

    Over 20 years ago I read a “secret” about after certain things came to be such as “science” engineering man and pig together to create a living being, cloning, etc., and huge conflict between Muslims and Christians, the Muslims will convert to Christianity. That secret prophesy was written down in the early 1900s. I cannot find the paper on which it was written, but I sure remember it.

    I pray for the conversion of Muslims. I believe it will come, and there will be no need for co-existence.

  5. Jesus is a Greek name to provide similarity with Zesus for Greeks.
    Very few people in Israel spoke Greek.
    Their predominant languages were Aramaic [predoinant ME language] and Hebrew.

  6. I’m past time to see some high profile shit hit the fan. Sure, there are no coincidences, sure, I trust the plan, but damn can’t they throw us a bone a give us a couple perp walks just to wet our appetites? OK CZAR, there is an opening for you, let me have it.

  7. “The entire New Testament was originally written in Greek.”

    Because Greek was THE international language of the time. More people spoke and understood it than any other in that region.

    If it was written in Aramaic it would never have spread across the world.

    It’s almost like God knew what He was doing.

  8. Love the soundtrack. Very dramatic. Nice choice to accompany this fantasy of a movie.

    I’ll believe it just as soon as I see a high-profile Dem getting frog-marched. Until that, forget about it.

    I just watched Maxine Waters ON CAMERA incite people to form lynch mobs. Still waiting to hear of an arrest, there…

  9. Throuh all of this that we are hearing, the one thig that MUST happen is Hillary has to be Punished for her Pedophillia if true. If the Secret Film is True and She’s not in Prison for Life, or Fried by Sparky we will have a massive problem and possibly Civil War.
    The reason will be, it would seem as if Nothing Mattered anymore.


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