QAnon – IOTW Report


I’m no expert on “Q” or the “Storm.” As a matter-of-fact, all I know about it I picked up today from reading this report from the Federalist. Here 

I’d usually paraphrase the linked story and try to summarize it, but given the conspiratorial nature of this topic and the obvious right wing bent woven through the online postings of “Q,” I’m more interested in what the readers have to say on this phenomenon.

38 Comments on QAnon

  1. Q has said, “trust the plan”. If there is a plan it’s time to play your cards. It’s been an intriguing story, way better than teevee. But it is time to put up or shut up. If we lose the House all your plans are as meaningless as are our hopes for the Seattle Mariners going to the World Series.

  2. I think Q is what happens when a large group of people are denied authenticity, reduced to second-class status, shunned socially, attacked physically, and then they try to make sense of the insanity and brazenness of their tormentors. Q is almost an epic, in the Homeric sense.

  3. “The person, or more likely people, behind Q probably split their sides laughing everyday at how ridiculous they can get without seeming to lose any credibility.”

    Yeah, what she said.

  4. Some Lefty’s have now come out and claimed Q is just someone ‘trolling’ the Right, I’d say they believe Q is real. He’s not Sessions, that for sure.
    I do feel there is an under current happening, not necessarily in DC, (obviously since Huber is working in Arkansas) but also in various places around the world. Perhaps that is the follow through in regards to the pedophilia rings or how they were discovered.

  5. Q was brought to my attention just before Christmas. I can’t tell you how interesting it has been to follow what has been said and disclosed. I genuinely want the story to be accurate as far as the disclosures of how those that are in power have used that power to control us. I believe much of it to be true. What troubles me is that if what they claim to have as evidence is really in their possession, what are they waiting for as far as disclosure. Time is short, we have a schedule and it is not multi-generational like Sun Tsu’s China. I’m still watching for new posts but we need some fresh meat.

  6. The moment anyone says that the PizzaGate conspiracy theory has been “thoroughly debunked” loses all credibility, especially when they use the “there isn’t even a basement, so therefore it’s all fake” argument.
    I went through the Comet PPs own website and there is sufficient evidence of “these people are fucked up beyond belief”. From the artwork on the wall (disembodied heads that since the PizzaGate info went viral has now mysteriously been removed from their website) to the shows they host (on Aug 11 they had Alice Bag “homosuperior” who had been featured in “The Decline of Western Civilization”). For a supposedly family friendly restaurant their homo-erotic shows aren’t “kid friendly”, if you know what I mean (and I didn’t even mention the “Spirit Cooking” event – which is real by the way).
    Then there are the close ties to the Podestas, and if you haven’t seen their works of child-porn art then you are truly missing out.
    Usually I like The Federalist, but like I said, the moment you state “PizzaGate has been thoroughly debunked” all your doing is quoting the liberals who don’t want their pedophilia lifestyles exposed and stopped.
    Kind of like saying Trump mocks handicapped people, I no longer trust the person who makes that accusation.
    So sorry (not sorry) Georgi Boorman can now go jump off whatever high platform she wishes to jump off of, her columns are dead to me.

  7. OK, I just read the article in the Federalist. I think it’s written by someone that was just introduced to Q the day before yesterday and has been cramming to write this story. Seems to be a superficial attempt at the story.

  8. Czar, I agree with you regarding an October Surprise, however, I believe this is so much bigger than what can be digested that bringing this story out in October doesn’t do it justice. I believe for this to be taken seriously it will require a longer than normal period of time to be disclosed, absorbed, and believed. The last week of October will only be seen as a desperate act in an attempt to pull a rabbit out of the rabbit hole.

  9. @ Joe 6 Pak

    Have faith, he does know what he’s doing. You know that. He’s also working his butt off trying to incentivize “Rs” to get their butts to the polls. Responsibility really lies with the voting populace.

  10. Iv’e been in tune with Q since October, and have no way to know if We’re all having Smoke blown up our asses, it’s a Positive as far as Unity goes and it’s thought provoking.
    One would think that if it was all a Lie, Donald Trump would have signaled us.

  11. TO joe6pac

    I mention October Surprise, because that’s the phrase that’s been used for decades (I forget which campaign made it “a thing”). Things have been gradually ramping up (from Strzok to Ohr, revealing FISA application…likely soon UNredacted version), but will likely pick up steam in September, leading up to the election.

    Ought to include IG Horowitz’s IG Report on FISA abuse, which would snag alot of the smaller-fry players…waking up the populace, so to say.

    It won’t *stop* there; maybe that’s what some are expecting. This phase (with what little time there is before election) might be intended to just “shock” people, to keep (or increase) Republican hold in the House and Senate.

    THEN there’s 2018-2020 (cue “Dragnet” music)
    which will go after the big guns domestically and – as you suggest – internationally.

    That’s just how it looks from my lifeguard chair on the beach.
    Aloha oe

  12. Whats intriguing about Q’s posts is that he seems to have some deeply inside knowledge of goings on in the swamp. There’s been some claims made that proved wrong but others that seemed on target and thats why Q continues to be followed. Much of the interest is based on the desperate hope that much of what is claimed is really happening. If it isn’t, we are in deeper trouble than most imagine.

  13. I follow Q’s posts through Praying Medic’s YouTube channel and recommend his “Q Anon for Beginners” video as an introduction. From time to time he updates “Q Proofs”, an ongoing collection of examples of Q “predictions” and subsequent events.

    Q does seem to have a lot of insider information into the administration but I agree with others, “trust the plan” is getting old. It’s time to see some of the major scum bags rounded up and prosecuted. I’m also having a serious problem with “trust Sessions”.

  14. The Chicago Tribune had a headline around page 6, something like, “Who is ‘Q’ and what is Q….” it was a whole big essay. I crumpled it up to make a fire so we could eat dinner. That’s what I know. It seemed to burn like any other news.

  15. I’m inherently skeptical of ppl/groups publicly proclaiming to “have insider info”, yet profess it’s soooo secret it would be dangerous to divulge, hence “breadcrumbs”.

    I checked out Q followers, particularly PrayingMedic, who seems to have the largest footprint as a “Q interpreter”. On the surface, he garners credibility in that he is a public figure (doesn’t hide behind anon), is soft spoken, doesn’t commit himself to radical certainties, all the while cloaked in “spiritual armor”.

    I came across a video (pre-Q) of him being interviewed on a Christian channel (can’t recall the name), telling his story of how he came to the Lord. Lo and behold at the end of the segment, he begins hawking some vitamin/mineral/snake oil supplements…….

    He has a “professionally designed” website (of which I will not link), that appears to be pre-Q, with volumes of books he’s authored/published. All variations of spiritual/religious underpinnings, some even glomming onto popular emotional events such as, “American Sniper: Lessons in Spiritual Warfare”.


    I won’t deny there’s plenty of interesting tidbits that’ve come to light as a result of the Q phenom, as well as what appears to be a “network” of contributors.

    I agree w/Thirdtwin….when good, salt-of-the-earth ppl, who’ve intuitively sensed true injustice (not of the false BLM/SJW kind) is the status-quo, and along comes a spiritual warrior to right the wrongs, the intrigue is understandable, however, I strongly disagree with the interwoven Christian/spiritual attachment.

    Not only is it a danger in misleading Christians, but antithetical to Jesus’ warnings on the subject (false idols, wolves in sheeps clothing).

  16. “Q” has said a couple of things I know for sure are not true – that are more in line with the lefty POV. I don’t know what it’s all about, but I would not stake my life on anything “he” says.

  17. I know a couple that are indebted to their unions for employment. However neither of them are your typical liberals. He is aware, but is nowhere near as political as she is. Her and I have a connection politically, we all drink together and occassionally the two of us leave the conversation for one more on our level. A couple of times she’s mentioned this Q. I don’t know who it is, but I can get over identity to hear the message.

    While what she describes is interesting, I have a difficult time connecting the dots. I’ve thought about researching this source further but haven’t done so. Now that it’s hit here, maybe I’ll have to look further.

  18. The first Q post that I read was in Oct. 2017. I was fascinated by the way the information was presented. After a few months it became tedious trying to put it all together, and I fell off the Q wagon. I have always hoped that Q is real. The only problem is that I believe that we live in a world of lies, built on a foundation of lies. So I am suspicious of everything. Sort of a Doubting Thomas.

  19. Q phenomenon began with some highly convincing posts that seemed to prove that Trump was intimately aware of the effort. There are numerous YT videos that describe this.
    Q is military intelligence fighting the deep state, IMHO.

  20. Whether Q is real does not really matter. Q is causing people to investigate the fake narrative they have been fed for so long. People are starting to connect all the dots. The corruption is staggering.

  21. Just a question for Q and Q believers: How was letting Imran Awan off without jail time “part of the plan?” If you are supposed to be “trusting the plan.”

    For a while there I thought maybe Jeff Sessions was just being diligent about getting his ducks in a row before lowering the boom. Now it looks like he’s helping these deep state criminals squeak by without any consequences for their criminal and treasonous activities by doing NOTHING except letting them steamroll our duly elected President. A President, by the way, who won despite HUGE voter fraud by the demonrats/the real fascists.


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