Qassem Soleimani’s dead body flies coach back to Iran – IOTW Report

Qassem Soleimani’s dead body flies coach back to Iran

ht/ hot salsa

26 Comments on Qassem Soleimani’s dead body flies coach back to Iran

  1. “Ever seen a dead man naked, Jimmy?”….”Well, this one is nothing more then eyes, teeth, hair and a fancy ring attached to his now detached hand”….

  2. Not only that, but he was in a cardboard box! HAHAHAHA!

    On another note, I fixed this for ya: “Qassem Soleimani’s dead body draws flies in coach back to Iran.”

  3. Weekend at Soleimani’s.

    Two young Iranian recruits are invited to their Generals beach home, only to find that he has been murdered by a Hellfire rocket fired from a Reaper Drone. Thanks to a complicated series of events involving a corporate embezzlement scheme between American Democrats and a former American Democrat president, the two are forced to convince the world their General is still alive in this slapstick comedy.

    Rating: PG-13 (adult situations/language)
    Genre: Comedy
    In Theaters: Jan 6, 2020 Wide
    On Disc/Streaming: July 4, 2020
    Runtime: 101 minutes
    Studio: 20th Century Fox

  4. Allah was willing, and so was Trump.

    The photograph of his carcass showed that his belt was in great condition. It must have been a Filson. Also, if he had been wearing good quality Redwing boots, both of his feet might have stayed attached to his legs. Both of these are great American products, just like the Hellfire Missiles that sent him back home in a shrink wrapped cardboard box.

  5. Why spend Obama’s pallets of cash on something frivolous like your dead revolutionary hero? That, or they’ve run through Obama’s dollars already. Either way, fuck Iran and fuck Obama. Don’t pardon my French.


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