Qrazy in Quebec – IOTW Report

Qrazy in Quebec

Unvaccinated to be Accompanied by Staff in Walmart to Make Sure They Don’t Buy Anything Other Than Food & Pharma. Details of Quebec’s draconian new vaccine passport scheme revealed.- Summit News

Oh, that’s not all. The effeminate and resting bitch faced Trudeau wants all of the mandate-protesting truckers to be stripped of their citizenship. – Trudeau Wants Freedom-Loving Trucker Convoy Declared a ‘Terrorist’ Group And Stripped Of Their Citizenship.

17 Comments on Qrazy in Quebec

  1. resist, resist, resist
    Canadians must unite against fascism and totalitarianism.
    The pretty boy Canadian Barbie Doll Trudeau is a threat to the Canadian people.
    Get your military involved. Arrest him.

  2. Canada had a choice a couple of centuries ago – be Citizens or Subjects.
    They chose Subjects.
    The Slave Mentality (Nietzsche’s term) can’t be shaken.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Quebecers have pushed for secession from the rest of Canada for years.
    They probably would have no problem doing it now.
    They can take their language police (a real thing) and become their own little empire.

  4. Beachmom,

    They get Transfer Payments from the federal government.

    The Feds TAKE From Alberta and some other provinces to Give to the underachievers.
    In 2018 Quebec RECEIVED $11.7 Billion) from the Feds.
    The total Transferred to less developed provinces was $19 Billion. Quebec took 61.5% of the money.
    Quebec also pays 16.5% LESS PROVINCIAL TAX than the National Average.
    Most of this comes from Oil & Gas Taxes on ALBERTA by the Feds.
    Would you leave if the English were paying you to Drink Beer & eat Poutine?


  5. And now the pretty boy has covid, and will self-quarantine. He probably left of the part where he’s going to self-quarantine in the Bahamas. He’s not about to stick around Ottawa and be there when the truckers get there.

  6. Canada should push Quebec out – give it back to France.
    Just as we should give Puerto Rico back to Spain – and DC back to Maryland.
    And here in MO we should give St. Louis to Illinois and KC to Kansas.
    Dump the shitholes – like Russia did.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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