Quack! – IOTW Report


Democrats fear the Lame Duck label.

Patriot Retort: If there is one thing the Democrats fear more than Joe Biden’s cratering poll numbers leading into the midterm elections, it’s having Joe labeled a Lame Duck president less than two years into his term.

Polling already shows the Democrats are likely to lose control of the House. But if they have to face November with a Lame Duck president tied around their necks like a millstone, the midterms could be a bloodbath.

Who wants to vote for the party of a guy who has already decided to pack it in?

This is why the Democrats are playing along with Biden’s quixotic claim that he will be running for reelection in 2024.

Nobody in the White House or the DNC believes Biden will be running again. He’s too damn old and even Democrat voters don’t want him to run.

But if they admitted before November that old Joe is a one-term guy, he would instantly transform into a Lame Duck, unleashing political chaos throughout the party right before voters go to the polls.

And that wouldn’t do.

So they have to play along, pretending to believe that a guy who will be 82 in 2024 is definitely, positively, pinky-swear running for reelection, and by golly, he totally should because he’s been such a great leader who has done so many wonderful things. more here

11 Comments on Quack!

  1. Frankly I’m a little embarrassed for our country!
    …. fixed it

    matter of fact, I’m very embarrassed for our country!

    oh, & Pedo Peter isn’t a Lame Duck …. he’s a Walking Dead Duck

  2. Already embalmed in his basement in Delaware. There are at least 2 body doubles standing in for the old, dead bastard. The handlers are just waiting for the mid-terms to be decided. It will then be announced that Biden is dead. As I have said before, I don’t typically do the conspiracy theory route, but in just about a 6 month period, his looks have changed dramatically. It is not dementia drugs doing that, as they don’t change a person’s looks. His eyes have lately been 2 different colors & it isn’t contact lenses. The one body double has very wide eyes & is extremely pale. The other one has a much longer face, like John Kerry, but is more dark complected. Just my take. But, there are lots of pictures out there that make one think. They kinda resemble the husk, but there are obvious differences.

  3. With their ability to steal elections it’s unlikely the Demonrats will lose control over Congress this fall. But if such a miracle were to happen you can BET THE FARM they will ram through every nasty horrible destructive anti American piece of garbage posing as legislation that they can before January. And you can bet that Pedo Joe will sign it all.

  4. Redcat66 may be on to something, I’ve noticed the amount of hair he has changes constantly now, and Mr. Bug Eyes had brown eyes.

    Now it could be that they spray can his hair in controlled conditions. It always looks much fuller inside than out where the wind blows the fake hair away.

    On the other hand the profile of his face changes constantly and he seems to grow a belly and lose it just as rapidly.

    Weird. I don’t think he’s dead per se because he is still a mumble mouth imbecile. If they were going to double him they may as well smarten him up also.

    I think he just so diminished physically they have to constantly trot the doubles out to allow him to rest and get his daily dementia cocktail.

    Hillezelbub had her own double on standby as well.

    It really matters little, they will either snuff him out just prior to the election or force him out right after the midterms.

    Either way the Commie Cuntmala is our destiny. God help our great nation.


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