Quaint – ISIS Burns Christians Alive in Locked Caskets – IOTW Report

Quaint – ISIS Burns Christians Alive in Locked Caskets

There are no humans on earth that rise to the level of ISIS’s barbarism and savagery. They are always busy thinking of ways to be as depraved as humanly possible.

ISIS has no stated goal except that they want everyone to succumb to their rule or die.

There is no negotiation. There are no words that will make this go away.

It’s simply a flesh eating virus.

At some point you have to take off the leg, even when there are good parts of the leg remaining. You get what I’m saying, no?  The good goes with the bad in order to remain alive. If you try and save your knee the virus might come back and you’ll lose your thigh.


ht/ fdr in hell



16 Comments on Quaint – ISIS Burns Christians Alive in Locked Caskets

  1. You really have to be a demented piece of crap to even consider that these animals have anything in common with you. Anyone that thinks they have something in common with isis needs to be killed ASAP! We are in a war, the sooner we realize it the better the whole world will be.

  2. They did that already. Beheaded several using det cord wrapped around their necks. The execution using the cord starts at 6:10 in the video linked below (the first part shows them drowning people in a cage and blowing others up in a car using an RPG). Their thirst for evil can’t seem to be quenched.



  3. I am so sick of hearing about the so called moderate or good Muslims. There is No. Such. Thing. Their prophet was a murdering, torturung, terrorist pedophile. How can any “good Muslim” follow the teachings of such a leader?. They are all closet jihadists.

    And we have one of them sitting in the Oval Office. He was raised Muslim. He practices taquiia (sp?). So many otherwise intelligent people say they can’t understand his positions on Iran or Syria or our ally Israel, or Isis. It’s simple HES A MUSLIM! Occams razor applies here.

  4. I was watching some stories on military snipers from Vietnam and Iraq that was on the History Channel tonight. Very fascinating. I never realized just how much math it takes to do the job.

  5. Unfortunately, we still do not appreciate what the problem truly is… Human history has very few examples of religions who were simply too evil for any civilized society to tolerate…BUT, there have been a few. When society finally accepts 1400 years of evidence of the evil that is Islam, we will either surrender or we will actually begin to fight. If society wins, then Islam will join that select group of religions.

    The really sad part is that I had to include the word “if” in the last sentence….God protect our nation from the plans of evil men, especially the plans of the terrorists who currently infests our White House.

    MSG Grumpy

  6. And Obama is going to have a Syrian refugee sitting in Mooch’s place at the SOTU. Everything this bastard does now is just a big Fuck You to Americans. Can’t wait for president Cruz to clean house.

  7. Oh, c’mon! Read “The Black Book of Communism” and study what THAT fucked up, evil religion has done in the name of “socialism!” Sorry, watching an entire nation starve to death is no worse (in my humble opinion) than blowing some dude’s head off with det cord (which is pretty humane, considering some of their methods).
    You don’t have to be a moslem to be brutal – but it HELPS!

  8. The problem is any “good Muslim” one may find has turned their backs on the basic teachings. Sort of like Catholics; There are some “Catholics” that only go to church on Christmas and Easter but they use birth control and eat meat on Fridays. May they live long and happy lives (except the Nancy Pelopise, John F’n Kerry and the whole Kennedy clan but I digress). Now, unlike Islam there are devout Catholics that pray to all the things that good Catholics pray to and go to mass and abstain from birth control and believe, with all their hearts the doctrines that are taught and they would never feel the need to murder the lapsed Catholics and may they live long and happy lives.

    But the problem with Islam is for the “peace” loving Muslim or the Muslim who likes a beer aka the “good Muslim” is their fellow brothers in Islam see them as “apostates” and therefore need to be murdered along with the rest of the infidels in the world. That particular feature makes “reforming Islam” a dodgy proposition at best. The problem is not “Muslims” per say. The problem is Islam. If you are a cafitria Muslim, picking and choosing the bits that can co-exist with Western Civ then 1. may you live long and be happy 2. I hate to break it to you but you are not an adherent to “Islam” and you can believe me now or be murdered by ISIS later.

    All that being said. Its time to Dresden ISIS, Hezbulah, Bokoharm, Shi’ites and any other group that eats and drinks “death to infidels”. I’m not talking about a Hellfire missile on that car here or that building there. I’m talking about creating firestorms with Chlorine Triforide (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckSoDW2-wrc). I want the bricks of their buildings to burn and with this stuff there’s not funny fallout after taste.

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