The controversial bill, known as Bill 62, bans the wearing of face coverings for people giving and receiving a service from the state.
Quebec lawmakers pass controversial law obliging citizens to uncover their faces on Wednesday. While the Liberal bill doesn’t specifically mention the garb, it would have the effect of prohibiting the burka and niqab while people interact with the state.
ht/ pinko
I dunno how I stand on this. I know that I certainly don’t want a government dictating what I cannot wear. Eventually, the government will make it a law that everyone must wear a burlap tunic.
It doesn’t ban covering all the time, only when receiving State services.
Well, they aren’t telling anyone how to dress, only that they can’t cover their faces, as it’s an obvious safety issue. Also, if you don’t mooch off the state, they don’t care what you do.
My only question is why didn’t they go all the way, like France? You can’t wear it at **any** time there,whereas this is just if you interact with the state.
Oof, cleared my history because computer was slow … forgot to add my name back in. Anonymous is me.
A covered face is a legitimate security problem, and religious liberty doesn’t enter into the question. Not only government offices, but private businesses as well have every right to demand that those entering their premises uncover their faces. For that matter, the wearing of a mask at any public meeting or gathering or in any public area whatsoever is a legitimate restriction of individual liberty.
Why only on Wednesday?
Well, at least it’s still a crime to refuse to address me by my preferred pronoun.
Thank God I can now spread AIDS and only receive a ticket.
How clever. Skirting the obvious without naming the cult so as to avoid having heir heads chopped off. Well done cowards.
Wasn’t there a state that allowed burka wearing for driver’s license pictures? I’d love to see the description in the license.
When you have to institute laws of this nature? You are on the way to being lost……