Queef Olbermann Shares a Zucker Story – IOTW Report

Queef Olbermann Shares a Zucker Story

I should explain that in 2015, the day ESPN announced my show there was ending, Zucker asked for a meeting – secret, of course, at the Plaza Athenee NY – to offer me an hour in prime time on CNN and brainstorm how to not make it look like Countdown. 4 days later he reneged.

When I protested, he got angry…at me. Despite his boorishness, given the darkness of democracy’s future, with some support inside CNN I offered to set that aside and come out of my TV political retirement to fill the new hole in his kinda blah prime time lineup.


He retired?

I don’t think it’s “retirement” when no one wants you.

You are sick in the melon, Queefer.

5 Comments on Queef Olbermann Shares a Zucker Story

  1. Olbermann should never be on public airways.
    He’s so dumb it’s embarrassing even to those who don’t like him.
    Olby keeps telling Tom Fitton to lose weight cuz he’s getting fat.


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