Queen Elizabeth II strips son Prince Andrew of titles amid sex abuse scandal – IOTW Report

Queen Elizabeth II strips son Prince Andrew of titles amid sex abuse scandal

Just The News: The Queen of England has stripped son Prince Andrew, the Duke of York, of all of his military titles days after it was decided that a civil sexual abuse trial brought by Virginia Giuffre against Andrew will move forward.

“With The Queen’s approval and agreement, The Duke of York’s military affiliations and Royal patronages have been returned to the Queen. The Duke of York will continue not to undertake any public duties and is defending this case as a private citizen,” reads a statement Thursday from the Palace.

Additionally, Andrew will no longer be permitted to use the title “HRH” – His Royal Highness – in any capacity. more here

25 Comments on Queen Elizabeth II strips son Prince Andrew of titles amid sex abuse scandal

  1. Noble MY ASS!
    Literally telling the world they are Better because they were born Royal.

    Understand, that growing up in Canada, there was a Picture of this Un-Elected Slut in EVERY School, library, Government building etc.

    At least in The US you have to EARN that Kind of wealth at some point, and that wealth dissipates over Time.

  2. She’s a tad persnickety, considering the likes of Edward II, for instance, or Edward VII. Perversion’s a big part of Royalty.
    And don’t forget John, who may not have been a sexual pervert, was certainly a pervert in terms of starving people to death in his basement.
    How bout Richard III?
    I guess they have to keep up appearances.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The Queen has to save face and show her minions that she will not tolerate any kind of behavior that will reflect on the monarchy. I read somewhere that Prince Andrew had to sell his chateau to pay for his legal defense. Queen told him no way was she paying for it. I think she’s distancing herself from the whole matter – embarrassing enough as it is.

  4. They should strip Prince Chuckie too of all his titles, heraldry and emoluments.
    He is a meddling Enviro buffoon of the highest order.

    And Homer Simpson nailed it – HRH means Henrietta R Hippo

  5. geeknerd,
    Then Richard III DIDN’T kill his brothers to assume the throne? And his nephews?
    Knock me over widda feddah!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. @Kcir – Fuck Off & Unload those Container Ships January 14, 2022 at 12:42 pm

    > At least in The US you have to EARN that Kind of wealth at some point, and that wealth dissipates over Time.

    Oh! You sweet, short summer, child.

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