Queen Shuns London Mayor Sadiq Khan – IOTW Report

Queen Shuns London Mayor Sadiq Khan


Queen Elizabeth Embarrasses London Mayor Sadiq Khan Over Trump’s State Banquet

KAGDaily – London Mayor Sadiq Khan has long been a pain in the butt for President Trump. He has taken numerous shots at Trump over the years and continues his onslaught today.

So many wondered what would happen when Trump goes on his big state visit to England this summer.

Now we know – Queen Elizabeth will snub the ungrateful mayor and Khan will not be participating in the big honor the state banquet. You just know Trump is happy about that.

Finish reading here.

Bwwwaaaaahahahahahahaha … oh, is that mean?

I don’t care! Hahahahahahahaha

27 Comments on Queen Shuns London Mayor Sadiq Khan

  1. Mayor of Londinijab say…
    Trump is not in the same class as Barry and Bush,
    He is absolutely correct,
    President Trump is light years ahead of the usurper and GWB.

  2. DJT POTUS and the woman who waves her hand at her subjects(not a fan of the British royalty, Ghost had to fight them to BEGIN with and my own grand parents left the hellhole in Ireland the Brits created) are GETTING together to talk about bi-ness…spygate and how that fuck that happened out of Cambridge to begin with. What are the other Five Eyes countries up to?

    And what is here Hineyness gonna do about it??

    Oh, to her credit, keep out any potential infiltrators or saboteurs.

    She did, with Churchill, made it out of WWII alive and watched the SIS get built.

  3. This queen has been through and seen so much. I don’t closely follow the British royals, but I would imagine she isn’t happy with the kids’ politics. The royal family is pretty goofed up — arranged marriages that guaranteed infidelity (Charles/Camilla), ridiculous Lady Di worship, and so on. Probably nothing new as far as royal families, the world over, go. Inbred bunch, huh?

    I wish queenie would make a public statement, though, about the takeover of her country by the same people who helped Hitler try it before.

  4. “Mum?”

    “Yes yes, what is it.”

    “Its the invite list for the dinner wif the president, mum.”

    “Tosh. Everyone is invited except that dreadful Khan person. Last time he was here he wiped a heaping great boogey on the portrait of King Henry the third. I wouldn’t have minded so much if he had chosen a Tudor…”

    “Well, we have to recognize him somehow, your Grace.”

    “Oh very well, send him those CD’s of that skinny young man with the enormous jug ears who visited a few years ago. he’s not much of a singer, but his soothing voice puts you right to sleep.”

  5. @Abigail

    The Lady Di worship, ongoing, should be highly embarrassing to the Brits. I think of her as one of the more useless members of the Royalty. She jetted around the world sticking her oversized conk (her word) in other people’s business. I have never heard Bonnie Prince Charlie’s side of the story regarding their breakup. Everything is about Diana. I imagine this new one, Martha Merkin, is taking over from Diana as the most useless, most talked about, and the Royal most often on the cover of People. Makes me gag.

  6. @ Tim Buktu May 11, 2019 at 10:07 pm

    I totally understood the Diana Spencer worship, but felt like the Lone Ranger expressing my thoughts regarding her and then one day read an article labeling her antics as cheap, crass and tawdry… and knew I was not alone

    She was the perfect fit for the times wherein “cult of personality” became something to join, not something to avoid.

    I took a shitload of heat over my failure to recognize as something more than another common upper class British bird

  7. I guess everyone has his own opinion of Diana, but honestly, she didn’t do anything against the British people. We can’t say as much about other members of the royal family. Personally, I think she was rather harmless.


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