Queer Science – IOTW Report

Queer Science

UK Daily Mail

Science has moved one step closer to allowing two men to reproduce without the need of a surrogate.

Japanese researchers created seven mice with two male biological parents, using skin cells from a male mouse to form a viable egg and then fertilize it.

They hope this research pushes forward treatments for infertility. But, it also paves the way for men in same-sex relationships to have a child without needing a surrogate  – which has happened in increasing numbers recently. More

16 Comments on Queer Science

  1. Couldn’t there time and resources be better spent on something else? Like cancer research, for example. Why is THIS so important. Oh. Yeah. LGBLT and Brandon.

  2. What is going down today makes Sodom and Gomorrah look like the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. The Satanists are out and proud, unfortunately they are dispersed throughout the population. If the wrath of God could come down upon them and leave people who want no part of their shit be it wouldn’t bother me in the least.

  3. You can make a fire rubbing two sticks together, but not a baby.

    The press for acceptance of LGBLTQ is to be able to justify the +. Why is it the self appointed royalty are pedophiles and perverts? Trying to say a 12yo is old enough to consent to sex.
    Will history ever praise the first first lady with a dick?

  4. @Tony MARCH 10, 2023 AT 6:57 PM

    If I recall, no, they could produce women, the zygotes have half-complememt of gene pairs, so half ‘X’ and half ‘Y’.


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