Maybe this should be posted in the Erickson thread but, hey people, can someone please explain this away?
“The New York Times has just laid virtually all of talk radio’s top conservative punditry naked to their enemies by revealing a coordinated effort, between them and top DC politicians, to “tamp-down” opposition to comprehensive immigration reform, and “gaslight” the national republican audience. A brutal expose’…
Bombshell Expose’ – Conservative Radio: Limbaugh, Ingraham, Hannity and Levin Were All Part of Gang-of-Eight “Gaslighting”…
The fact that establishment D.C. is united in their opposition to Trump makes me certain I would vote for him if he was running as an avowed Communist.
As for the Cruz attacks, politics ain’t bean bag
Well, if he were spouting all this from the Democrat Party, I’d say things were pretty much normal. Say anything, then do whatever you want. In fact why ISN’T he running as a Democrat? Hmmm?
There you go again, Fur, trying to use reasoning against people…
I’m amazed at how much Trump supporters love him because he says he’s gonna put up a huge wall and make them come here LEGALLY……….yet you all assume he’s gonna make it really difficult for them to come here legally as well. What if he makes it really easy so he can have all the cheap labor at his disposal?
He says that he’s going to strengthen the 2nd Amendment, but never gives any details as to exactly HOW, and exactly FOR WHOM? You all assume he means for the citizens.
What ever happened to thinking a little critically or cynically?
Your question poses a ‘what if’ we had a choice between Democrat’s Trump, Clinton, or Sanders. Don’t forget the interview where bullet points were posed to Trump where he thought the points being made were about him, but were really about Bernie Sanders. Did everyone suddenly forget about that?
Trump admitted he’s not a conservative, then backslid to say he was a “common sense” conservative. I didn’t know there was a “non-common sense” conservative.
Trump also loves the ObamaCare Mandate, remember?
Trump is a smart, manipulative, sociopathic bully. His body language and facial expressions give him away every time. Sociopaths always have to actively destroy those who threaten to expose him or his weaknesses.
Trump is a user and a master manipulator. He’ll crush anyone to acquire status and power. He’s just like Hillary, who’s also a unabashed sociopath.
Trump is playing upon the rampant anger and emotionalism of everyone who hates what Obama and Hillary stand for, yet he’s probably just as bad for the same reasons and to the same demographic – but you all have convinced yourselves he’s on the side of the founding fathers, or at least a counter revolutionary to the current asshole in the White House.
Vote for whoever you want, but at least peel the onion layers back a few levels on these candidates and do some deductive critical reasoning first. LISTEN AND ANALYZE WHAT HE SAYS AND YOU’LL BEGIN TO NOTICE THAT HE LEAVES OUR EGO AND OUR PSYCHE TO FILL IN THE BLANKS…..AND MOST OF US SEEM TO HAPPILY COMPLY.
I’m gonna vote for the candidate who convinces me that they’ll create the atmosphere OF LIBERTY where government is forced by adherence to the Constitution to LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE !
Trump is playing to our vanity. Wise up before it’s too late.
Well like any worthless democrat he has been proven to be a liar and does truly want to any of the items mentioned above. Plus like any worthless democrat he has been proven to have the morals of your typical rotten democrat, which means none. Hillary, Bernie or Trump they are birds of the same feather that will lead to a collapse so we are so close to having.
Most in opposition to Trump either feel he can’t deliver, will veer left once elected, or will simply be all over the road. He has no core principles, contradicts himself, and has flip-flopped on everything over time. So maybe we just don’t believe him on any of the ‘platform’ above.
They also fear his character flaws, specifically the vengeful nature and odd issues with women, + seems to suffer from Tourette’s syndrome. Trump is clearly a narcissist, and his habitually dishonest attacks on Ted Cruz made me write him off for good myself… there is something wrong with Trump
It’s NOT issues -or even Trump’s skills as a manager- he’s just such an a-hole, talks to everybody like they’re an idiot… unless they’ve got their lips on his rear end all the time. And his supporters are cheering him on the more he sounds like a tyrant… madness.
Who needs it- and I believe he would rule very, very close to what you’d end up with from Hillary Clinton anyway, except for maybe the wall.
Well, aren’t we all the Trump bashers this morning! I support the Trumpster for just one reason…..he has more to lose than any other candidate, including Hillary.
If The Donald goes wobbly, and does NOT fulfill his commitments he will expose and destroy a multi-billion dollar empire. If any of his opponents fail or refuse to fulfill theirs, they just go back to being the blood sucking losers they were, before they decided to be the most important leader in the world.
Trump will be losing his own money, while the others will be losing somebody else’s.
You can lead a Lib to logic,
but you can’t make ’em think!
As Trump’s platform is all but identical to what Bill Clinton ran on, what you pose is not a question, it is merely the reality of the situation.
There are many, many anti-Cruzers out there too. How are they going to be able to support Cruz if he ends up with the nomination? I see Trmpsters screamin “F#ck Mark Levin” , F#ck Fox News”, “F#ck National Review” and on and on.
Trump can’t get behind Ted because Ted is a nasty Canadian that nobody likes. Are you not upset that Trump will never vote for Cruz? In fact, Trump said he was gonna sue him for being a Canadian.
The very guy you are defending has the same position you loathe.
It’s easy Fur . . . .
If he’s runnin as a Democrat . . .
then you KNOW for sure he’s a lyin S.O.B. !!!
And BY FAR the best choice of the lyin bitches.
With a Republican it only runs about 88% . . . .
We have a chance . . .
The only chance since Reagan in my lifetime . . .
To elect a true Constitutionalist . . . .
And we’re going to piss it all away . . . .
To vote for a Kardashian candidate . . . .
The republican voters are tired to death of establishment GOP lies. We know tRump is full of shit, but he is preferable to you just because he takes you on. The more you squeal and connive, the stronger he gets. And the GOP establishment and professional political advisors still connive and try to suppress the voters!
Hold on, tRump is taking us on a political roller coaster ride. I hope the voters bury rebublican politics’, business as usual tactics. And kick that whiteboard, manipulating, Rove out.
And I am NOT a tRump supporter. I just love the way he makes the established GOP squirm. Rubio is being used as a mop by tRump. What a plan, GOP. What is this, plan failure #2, this election season and you still don’t get it?
Trump is an opportunist and a charlatan. If he were running as a Democrat or third party(and he would be if he thought it was an easier path) his platform would play to that crowd.
What part of #NEVER TRUMP is not being understood here?
What part of “I’M IN THE ERICK ERICKSON CROWD HELPING THE DEMS TO WIN” is not being understood here?
give me a successful old man who is putting everything on the line over any 42-44 year old inexperienced first term senator lawyer/politicians spending their puppets money.
I think I scored a grand slam based on the simple fact that no NEVER TRUMP people addressed the premise of the question.
They avoided it because it shines a light on the mendacity of their position.
Big Fur . . .
I guess I should have stated that I’m NOT . .
a Never Trump Voter; I’ll support him if he wins it.
I was just answering the question;
why is it easy if he was a DemocRAT . .
There IS a much better primary choice. . .
Constitutionalist vs Kardashian . . . .
I’ll answer your question.
Because I do not believe a single position he currently espouses is an honest representation of his actual intentions.
I wouldn’t want him to win anything no matter what letter he decides to put in front of his name this time.
The only reason he makes a better choice with a D up front is he will drive people away from his “party”. We don’t need any more help doing that to our party, that’s the MSM’s job.
Hat–if I have to vote for a dem who espouses solid positions versus a pubbie who does basically the same thing, and has demonstrated that he walks the walk and talks the talk, there’s no contest–I vote the pubbie. If the dem who espouses the solid positions happens to be the pubbie nomination, then I have a situation of having to hold my nose to vote for another crap sandwich.
My cardiologist has advised me that another crap sandwich may be my last one, so you can appreciate my reluctance to nosh. It doesn’t necessarily mean I won’t, but telling me that if I don’t I get her thighness isn’t going to work–because I think that a guy who donated to her and to all the other dems we hate because it was the cost of doing business is just another form of crap sandwich.
I still have a bad taste from Mittens in ’12.
LMAO! Trump Derangement Syndrome is strong in this bunch,I hope they find a cure before the libs finish us off! They are only helping the liberals
When I was young, I was a liberal. Now that I’m old, I’m broke. But I had changed and worked hard all my life, supported Republicans because they knew what was good for business and hence, what was good for the economy in general. Since the ‘recession that never ends’, I’m leary of any professional Republican. They haven’t sent squat for Obama to even try to veto. Never intended to. So much for the TEA party influence in DC. Time to turn it on its ear, vote an outsider, non-professional politician. Someone who had to deal with both sides in order to succeed as much as he did.
The GOPe blew it again just this month by telling Obama they would hold hearings on any SCOTUS nomination. They should have stated right out ‘Mr President, nominate another Scalia, and well give him his due”. Moron lifer politicians, the GOPe
telling Obama they wouldn’t hold hearings
You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time. Unless you happen to support either Hillary or Trump.
As foul as I find Trump he will get my vote If that is my only option. But he doesn’t fool me. I hope for the sake of my Country he proves me wrong. Funny thing is, both dems and the GOP are only offering the nuclear option.
Trump is NOT acceptable to a large part of the conservative GOP base… selecting a wannabe-tyrant nominee we don’t like or trust could be considered crazy, but go ahead and do it Trumpbots.
That’s why we’re telling you before Super Tues… it’s him or us.
Me, I’ll follow the lead of Senator Sasse -who put it as well as anybody in his open letter yesterday- and write-in Ted Cruz.
I don’t ‘have’ to do anything but die and pay taxes… To hell with Trump.
Is that his platform this week?
Will that be the platform next week?
Trump doesnt believe in those things. Its all a con, just like his University, his junk bond financed bankrupt casino, his dead airline, both his defunct magazines, his “timely” mortgage company (2006), and his 4 billion dollars in defaulted loans.
The guy doesnt believe in anything but himself.
The question is not only nonsensical, to ask it you have to believe that a pathological liar has suddenly decided to become honest the day he became a politician. Seriously, think about that.
Here is a clue for you.
Trump will not build a wall, will not stop amnesty, will not repeal Obamacare, will not defeat ISIS, and most definitely will not America great again.
He is a fraud.
Its just a fact.
You can dig in and go down with the ship, but the man will never be President. Even Hillary will look good to people after a few months of Trump truth from the media. They just waited until it was too late to save the GOP….and you fell for it.
Then aid need to say, I’m voting Democrat. Now you picking at the scab. Keep it up.
Who is Ted Cruz?
Maybe this should be posted in the Erickson thread but, hey people, can someone please explain this away?
“The New York Times has just laid virtually all of talk radio’s top conservative punditry naked to their enemies by revealing a coordinated effort, between them and top DC politicians, to “tamp-down” opposition to comprehensive immigration reform, and “gaslight” the national republican audience. A brutal expose’…
Bombshell Expose’ – Conservative Radio: Limbaugh, Ingraham, Hannity and Levin Were All Part of Gang-of-Eight “Gaslighting”…
The fact that establishment D.C. is united in their opposition to Trump makes me certain I would vote for him if he was running as an avowed Communist.
As for the Cruz attacks, politics ain’t bean bag
Well, if he were spouting all this from the Democrat Party, I’d say things were pretty much normal. Say anything, then do whatever you want. In fact why ISN’T he running as a Democrat? Hmmm?
There you go again, Fur, trying to use reasoning against people…
I’m amazed at how much Trump supporters love him because he says he’s gonna put up a huge wall and make them come here LEGALLY……….yet you all assume he’s gonna make it really difficult for them to come here legally as well. What if he makes it really easy so he can have all the cheap labor at his disposal?
He says that he’s going to strengthen the 2nd Amendment, but never gives any details as to exactly HOW, and exactly FOR WHOM? You all assume he means for the citizens.
What ever happened to thinking a little critically or cynically?
Your question poses a ‘what if’ we had a choice between Democrat’s Trump, Clinton, or Sanders. Don’t forget the interview where bullet points were posed to Trump where he thought the points being made were about him, but were really about Bernie Sanders. Did everyone suddenly forget about that?
Trump admitted he’s not a conservative, then backslid to say he was a “common sense” conservative. I didn’t know there was a “non-common sense” conservative.
Trump also loves the ObamaCare Mandate, remember?
Trump is a smart, manipulative, sociopathic bully. His body language and facial expressions give him away every time. Sociopaths always have to actively destroy those who threaten to expose him or his weaknesses.
Trump is a user and a master manipulator. He’ll crush anyone to acquire status and power. He’s just like Hillary, who’s also a unabashed sociopath.
Trump is playing upon the rampant anger and emotionalism of everyone who hates what Obama and Hillary stand for, yet he’s probably just as bad for the same reasons and to the same demographic – but you all have convinced yourselves he’s on the side of the founding fathers, or at least a counter revolutionary to the current asshole in the White House.
Vote for whoever you want, but at least peel the onion layers back a few levels on these candidates and do some deductive critical reasoning first. LISTEN AND ANALYZE WHAT HE SAYS AND YOU’LL BEGIN TO NOTICE THAT HE LEAVES OUR EGO AND OUR PSYCHE TO FILL IN THE BLANKS…..AND MOST OF US SEEM TO HAPPILY COMPLY.
I’m gonna vote for the candidate who convinces me that they’ll create the atmosphere OF LIBERTY where government is forced by adherence to the Constitution to LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE !
Trump is playing to our vanity. Wise up before it’s too late.
Well like any worthless democrat he has been proven to be a liar and does truly want to any of the items mentioned above. Plus like any worthless democrat he has been proven to have the morals of your typical rotten democrat, which means none. Hillary, Bernie or Trump they are birds of the same feather that will lead to a collapse so we are so close to having.
Clarice Feldman makes the same point eloquently
albeit with alot more words.
Most in opposition to Trump either feel he can’t deliver, will veer left once elected, or will simply be all over the road. He has no core principles, contradicts himself, and has flip-flopped on everything over time. So maybe we just don’t believe him on any of the ‘platform’ above.
They also fear his character flaws, specifically the vengeful nature and odd issues with women, + seems to suffer from Tourette’s syndrome. Trump is clearly a narcissist, and his habitually dishonest attacks on Ted Cruz made me write him off for good myself… there is something wrong with Trump
It’s NOT issues -or even Trump’s skills as a manager- he’s just such an a-hole, talks to everybody like they’re an idiot… unless they’ve got their lips on his rear end all the time. And his supporters are cheering him on the more he sounds like a tyrant… madness.
Who needs it- and I believe he would rule very, very close to what you’d end up with from Hillary Clinton anyway, except for maybe the wall.
Well, aren’t we all the Trump bashers this morning! I support the Trumpster for just one reason…..he has more to lose than any other candidate, including Hillary.
If The Donald goes wobbly, and does NOT fulfill his commitments he will expose and destroy a multi-billion dollar empire. If any of his opponents fail or refuse to fulfill theirs, they just go back to being the blood sucking losers they were, before they decided to be the most important leader in the world.
Trump will be losing his own money, while the others will be losing somebody else’s.
You can lead a Lib to logic,
but you can’t make ’em think!
As Trump’s platform is all but identical to what Bill Clinton ran on, what you pose is not a question, it is merely the reality of the situation.
There are many, many anti-Cruzers out there too. How are they going to be able to support Cruz if he ends up with the nomination? I see Trmpsters screamin “F#ck Mark Levin” , F#ck Fox News”, “F#ck National Review” and on and on.
Trump can’t get behind Ted because Ted is a nasty Canadian that nobody likes. Are you not upset that Trump will never vote for Cruz? In fact, Trump said he was gonna sue him for being a Canadian.
The very guy you are defending has the same position you loathe.
It’s easy Fur . . . .
If he’s runnin as a Democrat . . .
then you KNOW for sure he’s a lyin S.O.B. !!!
And BY FAR the best choice of the lyin bitches.
With a Republican it only runs about 88% . . . .
We have a chance . . .
The only chance since Reagan in my lifetime . . .
To elect a true Constitutionalist . . . .
And we’re going to piss it all away . . . .
To vote for a Kardashian candidate . . . .
The republican voters are tired to death of establishment GOP lies. We know tRump is full of shit, but he is preferable to you just because he takes you on. The more you squeal and connive, the stronger he gets. And the GOP establishment and professional political advisors still connive and try to suppress the voters!
Hold on, tRump is taking us on a political roller coaster ride. I hope the voters bury rebublican politics’, business as usual tactics. And kick that whiteboard, manipulating, Rove out.
And I am NOT a tRump supporter. I just love the way he makes the established GOP squirm. Rubio is being used as a mop by tRump. What a plan, GOP. What is this, plan failure #2, this election season and you still don’t get it?
Trump is an opportunist and a charlatan. If he were running as a Democrat or third party(and he would be if he thought it was an easier path) his platform would play to that crowd.
What part of #NEVER TRUMP is not being understood here?
Seems pretty clear to me.
TO Reaganitegoper
There’s your “narcissism” for ya.
TO viet vet
What part of “I’M IN THE ERICK ERICKSON CROWD HELPING THE DEMS TO WIN” is not being understood here?
give me a successful old man who is putting everything on the line over any 42-44 year old inexperienced first term senator lawyer/politicians spending their puppets money.
I think I scored a grand slam based on the simple fact that no NEVER TRUMP people addressed the premise of the question.
They avoided it because it shines a light on the mendacity of their position.
Big Fur . . .
I guess I should have stated that I’m NOT . .
a Never Trump Voter; I’ll support him if he wins it.
I was just answering the question;
why is it easy if he was a DemocRAT . .
There IS a much better primary choice. . .
Constitutionalist vs Kardashian . . . .
I’ll answer your question.
Because I do not believe a single position he currently espouses is an honest representation of his actual intentions.
I wouldn’t want him to win anything no matter what letter he decides to put in front of his name this time.
The only reason he makes a better choice with a D up front is he will drive people away from his “party”. We don’t need any more help doing that to our party, that’s the MSM’s job.
Hat–if I have to vote for a dem who espouses solid positions versus a pubbie who does basically the same thing, and has demonstrated that he walks the walk and talks the talk, there’s no contest–I vote the pubbie. If the dem who espouses the solid positions happens to be the pubbie nomination, then I have a situation of having to hold my nose to vote for another crap sandwich.
My cardiologist has advised me that another crap sandwich may be my last one, so you can appreciate my reluctance to nosh. It doesn’t necessarily mean I won’t, but telling me that if I don’t I get her thighness isn’t going to work–because I think that a guy who donated to her and to all the other dems we hate because it was the cost of doing business is just another form of crap sandwich.
I still have a bad taste from Mittens in ’12.
LMAO! Trump Derangement Syndrome is strong in this bunch,I hope they find a cure before the libs finish us off! They are only helping the liberals
When I was young, I was a liberal. Now that I’m old, I’m broke. But I had changed and worked hard all my life, supported Republicans because they knew what was good for business and hence, what was good for the economy in general. Since the ‘recession that never ends’, I’m leary of any professional Republican. They haven’t sent squat for Obama to even try to veto. Never intended to. So much for the TEA party influence in DC. Time to turn it on its ear, vote an outsider, non-professional politician. Someone who had to deal with both sides in order to succeed as much as he did.
The GOPe blew it again just this month by telling Obama they would hold hearings on any SCOTUS nomination. They should have stated right out ‘Mr President, nominate another Scalia, and well give him his due”. Moron lifer politicians, the GOPe
telling Obama they wouldn’t hold hearings
You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time. Unless you happen to support either Hillary or Trump.
As foul as I find Trump he will get my vote If that is my only option. But he doesn’t fool me. I hope for the sake of my Country he proves me wrong. Funny thing is, both dems and the GOP are only offering the nuclear option.
Trump is NOT acceptable to a large part of the conservative GOP base… selecting a wannabe-tyrant nominee we don’t like or trust could be considered crazy, but go ahead and do it Trumpbots.
That’s why we’re telling you before Super Tues… it’s him or us.
Me, I’ll follow the lead of Senator Sasse -who put it as well as anybody in his open letter yesterday- and write-in Ted Cruz.
I don’t ‘have’ to do anything but die and pay taxes… To hell with Trump.
Is that his platform this week?
Will that be the platform next week?
Trump doesnt believe in those things. Its all a con, just like his University, his junk bond financed bankrupt casino, his dead airline, both his defunct magazines, his “timely” mortgage company (2006), and his 4 billion dollars in defaulted loans.
The guy doesnt believe in anything but himself.
The question is not only nonsensical, to ask it you have to believe that a pathological liar has suddenly decided to become honest the day he became a politician. Seriously, think about that.
Here is a clue for you.
Trump will not build a wall, will not stop amnesty, will not repeal Obamacare, will not defeat ISIS, and most definitely will not America great again.
He is a fraud.
Its just a fact.
You can dig in and go down with the ship, but the man will never be President. Even Hillary will look good to people after a few months of Trump truth from the media. They just waited until it was too late to save the GOP….and you fell for it.