Question of the Day For Moronic Leftists: How Would the President Know to Contact the FBI Unless He Listened to What a Foreign Nation Had To Say? – IOTW Report

Question of the Day For Moronic Leftists: How Would the President Know to Contact the FBI Unless He Listened to What a Foreign Nation Had To Say?

That’s All.

6 Comments on Question of the Day For Moronic Leftists: How Would the President Know to Contact the FBI Unless He Listened to What a Foreign Nation Had To Say?

  1. I really don’t understand why we give George S and company the time of day. The guy always has a set-up agenda, just ask Mitt Romney who got the ridiculous contraception debate question to set up the war on women. The former Clinton operative lives for these opportunities.

  2. Information vs. Interference? Spying vs. Surveillance? Norwegian vs. Russian? President Donald J. Trump vs. President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton? Take your pick.

  3. So is he supposed to profile nationality based on appearance after one question?

    It’s an absurd standard that should be disregarded out of hand.

    Obama and your boss Clinton employed foreign agents to disrupt our election. There’s your response, Stephopottamus. Turn it sideways and shove it up your ass.


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