Questionable Study on Sugar Substitute Reports Correlation with Heart Attack and Stroke – IOTW Report

Questionable Study on Sugar Substitute Reports Correlation with Heart Attack and Stroke

abc news

Zero-calorie sweetener erythritol, widely used in sugar replacement or reduced-sugar products, has been linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular events including heart attacks and strokes for older adults consuming high amounts and already at risk of heart disease, according to a new study published Monday.

The study first published in Nature Medicine, discovered that higher levels of erythritol were found among patients who experienced a major adverse cardiovascular event, which includes stroke, heart attack, blood clots and cardiovascular death, over three years of observation.

Researchers caution that more research is needed. It’s too early to definitively say that erythritol causes problems for people who consume it regularly, especially as the study’s results may not be generalizable to everyone. More

A reasoned refutation of the study. Watch
A comparison of sugar substitutes xylitol and erythritol [disclosure: I use xylitol as a tea sweetener]. Here

21 Comments on Questionable Study on Sugar Substitute Reports Correlation with Heart Attack and Stroke





  2. Xylitol even in small quanitites will kill your dog, and is considered a veterinary emergency if he even eats a few marshmallows or a stick of gum that uses it.

    ht tps://

    …be careful with it if you have pets.

  3. Study was probably paid for by the sugar industry. Same fear tactic was said about saccharin causing cancer studies found. Years later that was debunked. Everything in moderation. Being fat is the biggest risk of having a stroke, heart attack, diabetes.

  4. willysgoatgruff
    MARCH 5, 2023 AT 9:18 PM
    “The best alternative to sugars is to eat your Honey…”

    …I think that tends to be more tart than sweet, at least in my own personal experience, and I’ve reason to believe in others’…

    …I recall a lecture on specific components of feminine anatomy as a prelude to its ills and treatment thereof. The lecturer, am older male, had gotten to a description of the pH of the vagina being rather acidic, mentioning in passing that it is acidic enough to kill most bacteria.

    And when he paused, a gal in the class dropped in a perfectly tined, “YEAH, AND ITS GOT TEETH, TOO!”

    …anatomically incorrect as that was, it took some time for the lecturer to be able to resume for the laughter to die down…

  5. The husband and I were trying to find the actual study yesterday and were not successful. We have many questions based on the news reports. Too much left deliberately vague. We wonder about the vaccination status of the people.

    It seemed as much as 14 teaspoons of erythritol was fed to lab rats daily and not humans. One article made mention the average weight of the humans participating was 150 lbs which seems very odd.

    My husband is a sugar addict and we are working on curing that. I don’t use sugar and read all labels to avoid hidden sugar. I don’t like ice cream or a lot of candy. The bag of sugar in our pantry says it expired in 2016. We do eat the occasional Aldi or Adkins bar with erythritol. A whole pineapple is my downfall.

    Thanks for posting this!!!
    About that honey. Yeah it’s natural but carries a huge glycemic load.

  6. 1. One of the names involved in the study has also made claims that meat gives you cancer.

    2. In their disclosure statement,
    a couple of the “scientists” have taken money from Proctor and Gamble (any agenda there?).

    3.Eating as much erythritol in a day, as they used in their “study”, you better be thinking about replacing your bathroom.

    4.Someone already did the math, and to consume that much erythritol in a day, they found, would be the equivalent of drinking an entire case of their energy drink.

    5. These assholes are grasping at anything, except the elephant in the room to explain “sticky blood” and heart attacks.

    Here’s a clue for you scientists, don’t start your study stacked with the most unhealthy subjects who are already prone to heart attacks and strokes.

  7. aircubed
    MARCH 6, 2023 AT 7:40 AM
    “The FDA can expect a windfall from sugar substitute makers real soon.
    You have to pay to play”

    …and 10% for The Big Guy.

    The big, demented, pedophile guy.

  8. @Eugenia: DH likes stevia, it’s a natural sweetener derived from a plant. I buy Truvia (big box) at Costco. I don’t use Splenda. Some sugar alcohols will give you a run to the bathroom. We like the Atkin bars, been eating them for years – we’re lo-carbers, and we’re still breathing.

  9. Fermenting Sugars = Booze

    Fermenting Sugar Substitutes = ?????
    SNS ?

    …as I am enjoying a Double of Woodford Reserve Bourbon on the Rocks.
    Man you “Mericans” do it right. I prefer it to Scotch, Rye & Irish.


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