Questions About Leftist Disobedience – IOTW Report

Questions About Leftist Disobedience

OK, the left has had its inauguration riot, its unhinged “Women’s March”, its campus violence to suppress the free speech of those it opposes.  They’ve thrown “Nazi” around with reckless disregard and assaulted citizens of all ages using their unfounded accusations as  justification.

It hasn’t changed anything, Trump is still president, Republicans control government and the Democratic party is in decline and disarray.  Using violence as their soul outlet for opposition only serves to encourage more unrest by those who get off on getting away with it under the excuse of Constitutionally protected protesting.

Which leaves the rest of us with some important questions of what to do about it.

At what point in the loss of their collective minds does society say, “enough?”  This isn’t good for you and it certainly isn’t good for everyone around you.  Knock it off or suffer the consequences of your behavior.

When that point is reached, who applies the correction?  If the normal institutions we rely upon in our society to insure law and order don’t act, who then takes up the proverbial punishment belt to spank the miscreants until they behave appropriately?

And finally, will the other institutions dominated by liberals, i.e. media, academia, entertainment, see the wisdom of returning civility to our society or will they pour more fuel on the fire and dance around the flames howling in crazed giddiness at the violence they’ve helped escalate?


11 Comments on Questions About Leftist Disobedience

  1. Trump the dealmaker will soon realize (if he doesn’t already) it is foolhardy to fund leftist institutions. When their funding is cut the violence will escalate until it will become an act of self defense to wipe these assholes off the map.

  2. Once Sessions is confirmed he can quickly move forward against Soros and his international gang of Maxists. Once the money is gone the left will dry up like the Clinton Foundation. Even Marxists understand, no money no runny.

  3. They wont’ be satisfied until Tanks are needed in the streets, and one of their minions gets flattend by one. Soros etc. want a Tienamen sqare of their own Creating right here.

  4. We use criminal law to go after these people.

    First we need to remove the problem judges from the bench. The fact that most of them touch kids while on vacation is going to make it easier to flush them.

    Bannon probably already has the evidence on the worst ones. Soros can’t protect them any longer.

    If those guys were smart, they would resign and flee now, while they still can.

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