Quick Story About Remdesivir – IOTW Report

Quick Story About Remdesivir

Someone I know caught Covid. They are 93 years-old. They had a bad cough, and the hype surrounding Covid scared them and they requested an ambulance.

At the hospital, blood oxygen was okay – 94.

No fever.

Lungs clear.

The next day a bit of pneumonia was detected, but as the nurse said, that wouldn’t be atypical of a 93 year-old patient with a respiratory virus. Covid test was positive, but the patient was good, and improving.

Nothing to worry about.

I was speaking to the nurse and she was talking out loud while reading the list of medications and I heard Remdesivir. I said, “What?” “Hold on.” “When was this given?”

She said when Covid test was positive.

I said, “I want that stopped immediately.”

“I’m POA.” They said I could speak to the doctor.

On the phone I said I spoke with the nurses, they say blood oxygen 94, no fever, some congestion. Is Remdesivir like swatting a fly with a sledgehammer at this juncture?

His answer shocked me. He said, “yes.”

He said, “I didn’t prescribe it, a man from Infectious Diseases did.”

In other words, a BUREAUCRAT ordered that Remdesivir be administered.

5 days of that drug is $3500.

The medication was stopped.

Covid has been monetized. They are killing people.

Watch this:

32 Comments on Quick Story About Remdesivir

  1. “He said, “I didn’t prescribe it, a man from Infectious Diseases did.”

    Was the guy an MD? Did he even have a medical license. Dang I think I would have pushed that a lot farther. This whole COVID thing is out of control.

  2. OMG

    My Dad went to the VA today and I made him promise me to not to get Booster #4 if they offered it. He got outta there AOK.

    How sad and awful that most doctors can no longer be trusted now.

  3. As I’m an acute care nurse I can tell you the “man from Infectious Disease” is assuredly a Physician who specializes in infectious disease and not a bureaucrat. That being said, I personally don’t believe Remdesivir is very effective, but hospitals and ID doctors do follow protocols many of which come down from the government.

  4. @Russian Bot — I’m glad to hear you don’t think Remdesivir is very effective. Are you aware that it’s use carries a high risk of acute liver damage and acute kidney damage? This is no “conspiracy theory” or anti-vax propaganda; there’s plenty of relevant reading in pubmed and elsewhere.

  5. That guy never saw the patient, he administered a protocol. He may be a physician, but he acts like a bureaucrat. The patient is a diagnosis on paper and the drug is administered even though the doctor treating the patient says, “I think it’s an improper medication given the patient’s condition.”

  6. you’d be surprised how many doctors end up in higher Administrative positions w/ much better benefits & salaries, w/ much dictatorial power over hospital staff.

    “I vas only following orders … Mein Führer! I can valk!”

  7. Russian Bot

    BFH wrote: That guy never saw the patient, he administered a protocol. He may be a physician, but he acts like a bureaucrat.

    So focusing on that, I know for a fact my General Practitioner would have pitched a fit had some Government Asshole prescribe something for his patient. You say you’re a Critical Care Nurse and I have no reason to doubt you. You can’t tell me the is acceptable protocol. Who holds the Liability should something go wrong? I’m just a dumb machinist but even my trade is all about Process Control.

  8. Sandy

    Just had it bitch. Got over it with massive doses of Jack Daniels. Was back in the gym after 6 days. However I would suggest YOU get at least 12 Boosters.
    Nice to see you admit this was an attack by China.

  9. retired,’run of the mill’ RN here
    Will work float if necessary
    but I can’t work, cuz no vaxx for me
    the ‘man’ who prescribed might have been a PA, or physicians assistant, and the paper work gets signed later when the MD has time or is actually present.
    Though not licensed to do so, or diagnose, they do it
    often, if not usually, it works
    but remde$ivir helps big pharma more than anyone else

  10. BFH
    JANUARY 9, 2023 AT 8:45 PM
    “That guy never saw the patient, he administered a protocol. He may be a physician, but he acts like a bureaucrat. The patient is a diagnosis on paper and the drug is administered even though the doctor treating the patient says, “I think it’s an improper medication given the patient’s condition.””

    Protocols in medicine exist in the manner that checklists on aircraft operations exist, and for much the same reason: to ensure that a standard of tested medical care is performed by operators at all levels of the system.

    Understand too that medicine seems to have gotten its ideas about hierarchy and seniority from the Roman Catholic Church and you’ll have an idea what sort of inertia is behind it, and how awesome it seems particularly on the lower levels to buck it.

    This can be a beneficial thing that allows people with lower levels of training, such as nurses, aids, paramedics, and EMTs to perform skilled actions that are proven to work that were developed by highly skilled doctors specific to the abilities of those levels of training. This standardizes the care, sets parameters appropriate to those levels of training, insulates those lower level operators from liability as long as they are demonstrably operating within those parameters in accordance with those protocols, and provides more latitude with more training. It also allows for deviance from those protocols if deviance is authorized by medical control (think Rampart on the show “Emergency!” if you go back that far, OR if you have a damn good reason THAT OTHERS WITH SIMILAR TRAINING WOULD AGREE WITH to do so.

    That last part is because protocols could not be rigidly appplied in all emergent situations. At a car accident, for example, protocol was that a patient received a neck brace and some form of spinal stabilization such as an extracation brace, half backboard, Bashaw chocks varous other things to ensure you did no harm.

    All of which went out the window if the car was on fire.

    Stuff that was fairly easy to do in a well lit ER bay might be a tad more challenging when your patient is dangling unconcious from his seat belt above to as you slide through the mostly crushed window frame over the broken glass and beer cans that line what used to be the roof on your back as the car creaks and rocks ominously as the engine crew frantically shoves cribbing under the hood and trunk, and protocols did make allowances for that, again with a “reasonable operator” test.

    And then, as now, protocols could come all the way from Washington.

    Difference was, they could be ignored on the local level. You might be placing your license in jeopardy, but you could do so as long as you could defend it.

    Back in the day, AIDS was the big thing. It was new and nasty and thoght to be always lethal, known to spread with blood contact and even thought to spread with saliva and sweat. Washington and the CDC came up with some pretty out there stuff, dedicated units, manditory showers, masks and gloves, strict isolation on mere suspicion, disposing of expesive instruments instead of cleaning them, etc, all promulgated by some new guy there name “Fauci” or something.

    Sound familiar?

    The medical establishment at the time went along with this to some degree for a little time, but as more came out and Universal Bloodborne Pathogen protocols proved sufficient, the old guard doctors started dropping the more ridiculous extremes even though DC didn’t back off right away, because the media wasn’t quite as unified in censorship as it is now and they were confident from peer-reviewed studies that other docs would back them up, so the whole thing got less stupid fairly quickly compared to today.

    But the heirachy was simpler, too. You had attendings and residents and interns, RNs and LPNs, aids and stripers and paramedics and basics. All of these were State licensed, so the State set the terms of those licenses, always subject to s reasonable operator standard.

    Nowdays they seem to have expanded the roles between doc and medic. They’ve kept THOSE positions but added additional layers of nurses, shoved Nurse Practioner and Physicians Assistsant in between Dr and Nurse, added CNAs and STNAs and who knows what else below that, jammed different types of head peepers and social workers and therapists in sideways, all lower level (below doctor) peeps, all State licensed, all subject to protocols.

    But the old line docs were forced out by Obamacare. The old school nurses are retiring. What’s left are college kids raised by the universities to accept National Authority as the be-all-end-all, and deathly afraid to step outside protocols by training, by medical conglomerate expectations, and by fear of lawsuit. My son almost died in one of the best hospitals in the country because a nurse at night was afraid to step outside her protocol when she couldn’t figure out to give Abuteral and was paralyzed when a doctor didn’t call back right away, so much so I…as FATHER, no other legal role- had to call in a crash team my DAMN self because SHE sure as fuck wasn’t going to get it done.

    That’s what medicine has devolved to. Kids too scared and too new to buck Government any more, while crusty old murderous badtards like Fauci ARE STLL THERE ALMOST 40 YEARS LATER!

    Add to that the hyper-synchophant media, the consolidation of most medical practices into huge unbrella corporations, the enormous financial incentives for feeding the government narrative, the eagerness of Democrat states to pull the licenses of or otherwise fire anyone who challenges the narrative, and you start to understand why everyone is standing around the doctor’s office like an idiot wearing masks that EVERYONE knows DO NOT WORK and my cowardly young doctor in double mask and face sheild screams questons at me from the furthest corner of the room and wants to do everything by Zoom call, which would certainly make a prostate exam problematic.

    And that is why my wife has MPA over her mother, who’s currently in a rehabilitation nursing home healing from a broken foot, so she can tell them where they can stick their Jab.

    Cowards all now, slaves to Federal order. Guess they figure that no one will back them up if they stray from protocol NOW, making the “Reasonable Operator” test a cruel joke from the past…

  11. “But can you say shrinkage? How about goodbye. You can always go for a implant, maybe?”

    Doesn’t sound like you’re up for the throat stretch. To use to licking pussy aren’t you.

  12. Old Sandy sounds like the life of the clot shot party?
    Make sure your safe and get the latest booster and stay 6 foot away please and 2 masks at all times and no hand shakes.

  13. ^^^^Right? I offered to help train her to pleasure a man. And what do we get? Poor excuses. I was not going to even charge her. Imagine the return on her Fans Only account. Poor Sandy VaJayJay.

  14. Yes, Remdesivir is hard on the liver and I don’t believe it’s very effective with covid. As I mentioned, docs prescribe it due to protocols sanctioned by government agencies. They don’t want to get sued.
    In a hospital setting, even hospitalists spend very little time with patients – from my experience, maybe 1 minute on average per day. I don’t see many outside doctors during dayshift, regardless of their specialty, because they’re at their offices with patients.
    ID doctors are no different…some are better than others. One of the best doctors I know is an ID doctor. He focuses on the whole patient and not just what bacteria or virus they’re infected with.

    It sounds like the doctor, in this case, was just lazy and solely relied on the patient’s chart and really didn’t pay attention to that.

  15. I’m sure just like in the beginning with Covid they got more money to follow the protocol aka vent everyone, they’re still getting more money to follow protocol and administer this drug.

    I know a doctor who quit working at a hospital and their affiliated clinic because of administration with mask mandates, jab mandates and administration dictating treatments. He had already bucked the system early one refused to vent people he didn’t feel needed vented and would override orders coming down from administration. They threatened to fire him many times, but didn’t, he also bucked the system and refused to wear a mask, then when they mandated jabs, he said he had enough. He quit, went into private practice and sends patients to a different hospital.

  16. Medical staff killed my brother with remdesivir. Told the family that Covid was to blame for his kidneys failing, never told us he was on remdesivir. Never told us the known common side effects.
    Wasn’t Roe V. Wade all about privacy between a physician and patient?
    Roe v Wade wasn’t overturned in 2022. It was overturned in 2010 with the Affordable Care Act, which put the government directly in between the patient and doctor.
    Now a faceless unknown with no contact (direct or indirect) can prescribe anything at all for (and kill) a patient, without the doctor even knowing.
    And the Sandys of the world cheer. Not because of “healthcare for all”.
    No, because someone else is doing the killing that they want to do, without getting any blood on themselves.

  17. Remdesivir is the ‘standard of care’ for covid patients in hospital. It seems to be ineffective at best and probably harmful. But it’s the go to course of treatment unless you or your advocate object. And yes, the hospitals are paid fix sums by the federal government for each government approved protocol administered (Remdesivir, ventilator, etc), and for each ‘covid death’ if those protocols fail.

    I think some of the so-called covid deaths (including my brother’s) are pneumonia deaths that aren’t being treated properly. And, with the isolation protocols for covid patients, it’s hard for families and advocates to keep watch, but it is so important to do. Patients have to question everything, designate a health advocate in writing, and keep their regular doctor and their attorney on call.


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