Quick, take a gander of this clip with Trump offing the dems before it is removed – IOTW Report

Quick, take a gander of this clip with Trump offing the dems before it is removed

My first reaction was, “what’s the president doing in prison”? Then I realized he’s not incarcerated. Only the left is. (Or is he? I never watched The Punisher, the show this clip was inspired by.)

My second reaction was, “this will get someone in trouble.”

My third reaction was, “didn’t they have a play in New York where the president was repeatedly stabbed to death?”

Yeah, so this seems about right.


15 Comments on Quick, take a gander of this clip with Trump offing the dems before it is removed

  1. Mueller is not now; nor has he ever been a Dem. He is a leftist Republican appointed by a progressive President 18 years ago. The same liberal GOP President who told us to vote for Clinton in ’16 And has denigrated Don in America, Europe and Africa many times the last 2 years.

    All progressives are not D and many GOP are very progressive – naming names -BUSH CLAN!


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