Quitting Disney – IOTW Report

Quitting Disney

Will Disney’s “Woke” Agenda Kill Walt Disney’s Dream?… People Begin Canceling Trips To Disney and Disney+ Subscriptions.

100% Fed Up: Disney has been promoting a lot of woke, Leftist ideologies lately, including mandating Covid-19 vaccines on their cruise line for children 5 and up, publicly condemning Flordia lawmakers for their anti-grooming bill, encouraging white employees to participate in reparations, and pushing gay agenda on young kids.

Now, due to the company’s recent politically-affiliated actions, many Disney fans are canceling their trips to Disney’s theme parks and ending their subscriptions to Disney’s streaming service.

One parent, interviewed by the Daily Wire, said, “I’m not sorry for our decision and can’t even pity a company for making such a poor decision when they have enough clout to do whatever the hell they want, and this is the direction they’ve decided upon.” more

17 Comments on Quitting Disney

  1. Walt Disney and his legacy are/were as American as baseball. Disney was the high water mark in family entertainment in the lives of families every Sunday night for generations.

    Maybe some day I’ll be so old that a youngster will ask me what it was like going from black and white tee vee to color. Ask anyone of our generation and they’ll tell you the first tee show they watched in color was The Wonderful World of Disney. Anaheim, CA wasn’t Anaheim, it was Disneyland; a far off place we all aspired to visit someday. I’ve never been and will never go. I live in Seattle. It’s all the woke I need!

    Geoff C. showed me some recent and recently passed Disney subliminal adverts and films containing lewd messages. Totally disgusting. Imagi-queering.

  2. The kingdom of the rat is coming down.

    Circa 1962 my grandparents traveled from Ohio to Anaheim when I was about 8 years old. It was a magical
    experience. But the left has destroyed it just like everything they touch.

  3. Totally off topic but Chris Plante said it today and I died laughing.

    I paraphrase. (Maybe poorly).

    When I was a boy I was trapped in a woman’s body. But then I was born.

    You get the gist.

  4. PHenry,
    That’s a meme showing Chuck Norris in his “Walker, Texas Ranger” hat and duster.
    And yes, it’s funny.

  5. Another Chris Plante story today.

    It is well known that Joe Biden likes to walk about naked and secret service has a warning , Cobra Cobra Cobra across their squawk boxes.

    Well apparently Jill Biden likes to walk round naked too.
    Secret service warning?

    Clamshell clamshell clamshell.

  6. Went to D Land at least once a year in grade school through the 60s it was clean and fun and relatively inexpensive. All the employees (that you could see), were young and good looking. When my own kids were growing up in the 80s it started to change the employees started looking like trolls, the place was overcrowded to the point of being dangerous, and the cost was through the roof. It has only gotten worse with age. The only silver lining to their current wokeness is Mrs. R no longer pesters me to take the grandkids there.

  7. The DIS Board has hated Walt for 40 years. Piking a fight with DeSantis was a giant, dumb mistake. Most paid no attention to their Walt hate the last 40 years; because it got very ;little “Press”. The Bush Press hated DeSantis and therefor has played this up – big- for a week. Big mistake for the Bush Press!

    Hating Walt did not hurt for 40 years. DIS may now feel some pain. I hope lots of pain! But with Bush Republicans like Sununu backing Disney, I think the pain will be small. But better than no pain

  8. Any hollywood hollow-head who has done a one-trick pony show for Disney and wants to salvage their reputation should disconnect from the child-trafficking woman-abusing Disney. They should keep in mind that millions of (former) Disney fans are also distancing from actors/actresses who performed for the slave-promoting entity.

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