R.I.P. Rusty Staub – IOTW Report

R.I.P. Rusty Staub

Staub was probably the first big star player for a MLB team playing in Canada. He is one of only four players to have hit a home run before the age of 20 and after the age of 40.

He was the only player ever to have 500 hits for 4 different teams.

He was a popular guy wherever he played. He had a restaurant in NY, Rusty’s Ribs, that did well.

He was also very charity-minded.

He was 73.

ht/ JS


9 Comments on R.I.P. Rusty Staub

  1. He was one of my heroes. Played for Detroit Tigers in the late 70s.

    RIP, Rusty. Say hi to my dad; he was the one who pushed God out of the way to greet you into heaven!


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