Race-faker Rachel Dolezal can’t find a job – IOTW Report

Race-faker Rachel Dolezal can’t find a job


RACE-faker Rachel Dolezal has moaned that she can’t get a job after pretending to be black.

The infamous white woman complained to the Tamron Hall show about how she cannot find a job after six years.

“I started with applying for all of the things I was qualified for and after interviews and getting turned down, I even applied to jobs that didn’t even require degrees, being a maid at a hotel, working at a casino,” Dolezal said in the interview that aired on Monday.

“I wasn’t able to get any of those jobs either.”

Dolezal, 43, changed her name to Nkechi Amare Diallo and insists she is African American. more

28 Comments on Race-faker Rachel Dolezal can’t find a job

  1. Ha ha ha! Really?
    No one wants to hire the proven mentally disturbed?
    Can’t imagine why not.

    I think there’s an opening behind the dumpster at the truck stop for a cocksucker.

    She should check it out …

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. She built her life on a lie and bad things have come to her as a result.

    But she still doesn’t seem to realize that good things never come from lies, only bad ones do.

    A pity, but the choice about how to proceed from here is hers and hers alone, no one can make it for her, no one can walk here path for her.

    FWIW, that’s just as true for you and me as well, it’s the way life works.

  3. @Leftcoast Dan: She was on a national show. Complaining. People need to stop enabling her.


    Her whole problem is attitude. No one wants to hire anyone sick in the head. I mean it’s like walking around with Gorilla Glue in your hair and then sue the company for your stupidity. I know a lot of book smart people who are dumb as rocks. PhD = Piled Higher and Deeper.

  4. Whitey white white cracker ass February 15, 2021 at 9:44 am

    What? Welfare isn’t good enough for you. Black my ass. If she ain’t black then this ain’t racist.

    Well, I want her to keep going on as if she were black, because she certainly doesn’t belong in the white race. We’re already overloaded with too many white women believing they’re black, acting like they’re straight off the boat from Afrika. Racist is a word often used to humiliate one into believing that they are a hater. Racist has become a cheap word to use that no one is buying into any longer. Blacks get a pass but white people don’t. /just saying

  5. WOW! I just looked this up:

    Julie Swetnick lives in Washington D.C. after living most of her life in Maryland, most recently in Bethesda. She has worked in the U.S. government in the past, including at the U.S. Mint and at the Department of Homeland Security.

    If this bat-shit crazy bitch is still employed there will NEVER be justice in America EVER AGAIN!

  6. My heart bleeds.

    She doesn’t have the IQ it takes to operate a toilet plunger and hand a guy a clean towel, so washroom attendant is probably something she isn’t qualified for either.

  7. Wait! What? “…she made a report to the police and local media that she was the victim of nine hate crimes.

    When it was revealed that she was actually white, critics accused Dolezal of cultural appropriation….”

  8. The elephant in the room is that she changed her “race” because everyone (especially in the education industry in which she was employed) knows that “diversity” (wink, wink) favors “people of color” (still laugh at this grammatically stupid phrase), and that is the ONLY reason she was hired there. Of course she want to be black! I wanted to be black during the obama regime (and now maybe in the Lie-den one) because it’s at least one more rung up in the employment line.

    How ironic that this isn’t mentioned even though it’s the very subject of her story.

  9. About a million years ago I worked in DC at the Howard Johnsons from where they bugged the Watergate hotel from. There was a white dishwasher, James, who talked like he was black to all of the black employees, they couldn’t stand the guy. They were brutal to this guy, especially the women. Lesson: Be yourself, don’t try to fit in with a bunch of low paid black racists. Yep, they were all…you ain’t one of us, get your sorry white a## gone. You know, racists.
    Doezal is that dishwasher, a idiot who is trying to pretend she is black to a group that doesn’t want her.

  10. “I started with applying for all of the things I was qualified for and after interviews and getting turned down…”

    No. She’s still employed in the same profession…Grifting con artist. She’s just not collecting the benefits. Run for Congress Rachel if you wish to be compensated at the level you feel you deserve.


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