Rachael Ray Stands With David Hogg Against Laura Ingraham – IOTW Report

Rachael Ray Stands With David Hogg Against Laura Ingraham


Fox News host Laura Ingraham’s put-down of Parkland shooting survivor David Hogg as a whiny high school kid has prompted him to mount something more potent than a whine — a call for an ad boycott, which has already claimed one victory.

Nutrish pet food said in a statement Thursday that it is pulling its ads from The Ingraham Angle because “the comments she has made are not consistent with how we feel people should be treated.”


Hot Salsa says-

Our family has two dogs and, believe it or not, we buy Nutrish dog food when it is on sale.  No more since they caved to David Hogg’s demands. I just called Nutrish and politely told them why I wouldn’t be purchasing their dog food anymore.

Nutrish is made by Ainsworth Pet Nutrition (family owned) in Pennsylvania.

This is what I did.

I called them at 1-800-219-2558, ext. 6. I politely said that I had heard Nutrish was no longer advertising on the Laura Ingraham show and asked if that was true or fake news. She said it was true. I said, “Okay, I just wanted to verify because we have two dogs and we do purchase Nutrish for them. We love it and they love it. Unfortunately, we will not be buying it for now because we support Laura Ingraham’s right to express her views.”

The Customer Care person said, “okay, thank you.” and I said, “Thank you very much.”  It was all very polite, short and sweet.

I don’t know if any other readers purchase Nutrish and would like to call them to express their dismay at their recent decision.

HT/ Hot Salsa


David Hogg tweeted this out—

Pick a number 1-12 contact the company next to that #

Top Laura Ingraham Advertisers
1. @sleepnumber
2. @ATT
3. Nutrish
4. @Allstate & @esurance
5. @Bayer
6. @RocketMortgage Mortgage
7. @LibertyMutual
8. @Arbys
9. @TripAdvisor
10. @Nestle
11. @hulu
12. @Wayfair

61 Comments on Rachael Ray Stands With David Hogg Against Laura Ingraham

  1. Astroboy David Hogg tweeted the list but Media Matters or some such group put that in his hands. They couldn’t take out Hannity so now onto Ingraham. Notice no one had to tell conservatives where to tell Netflix to stick it. I’m sure they are using bots to make these advertisers think they are under attack when it is mostly just a couple of disgruntled leftists.

  2. I called. I spoke with the spokeswoman. She was very nice.
    I just voiced my opinion that Ray doesn’t know who she is siding with here.

    Ingraham voiced her opinion about a kid, but that kid is profane, power hungry and disrespectful.

    Bad decision.
    1A is now in his sites?

  3. All I know about her is she is filthy. About ten plus years ago she was doing a book signing (wife is into cooking) and I looked over and she had more shit collected under her fingernails than a potato farmer.

  4. Well, if Rachael Ray supports the foul mouth, inexperienced high school Hogg, that changes everything. NOT !

    The fat her body picked up must have gone to her head.
    OOPS…..was that body shaming and sexist? My Bad.

  5. JD, I used to watch FoodNetwork long time ago and I was disgusted to see Rachael Ray in the kitchen. She was so sloppy and annoying. I also noticed her dirty fingernails. Ew!!
    I can only imagine how much worse she became with her own show.

  6. CameraHogg:” Mooooom!!! Laura said something (true) mean about me!!!!”
    Hoggmom: “She did? Well, just wait til your Twitter gets home.”

    Did it ever occur to these lefty companies to just NOT answer tweets directed at them? You cave, and then EVERYONE hates you. lol

  7. I don’t have a dog. I don’t have a cat. But I did call the number and told them I was upset they caved to an anti 1A loud mouth, I would no longer buy their product and will take my “kennel and doggie daycare” business elsewhere. Was this wrong?

  8. We’ve used Nutrish, and our dogs have prospered with it. There must be others as good, and I’ll ask the vet for a recommendation. Taking political positions carries the risk that you’ll lose customers, so I’m gone.

  9. As a quick update here, Ingraham apologized for linking to an article. Camera Hogg replied “not good enough”. TripAdvisor dropped her. Wayfair dropped her. More are likely to come and what is the result?

    Apologizing pisses off your supporters, emboldens your enemies and your gutless advertisers run for the hills as soon as the 10 Twitter bots appearing to be 10,000,000 demand action.

  10. Heh Rachel Ray, I won’t be buying any of your products, I’ve decided that you’re a Nazi too. Can you do something about your mouth while you’re at it, you talk with one side of your mouth. Cool, I don’t have to see it any more!

  11. I sure as hell hope that MyPillow goofball yanks his ads from FOX altogether. Those damn spots are GD annoying.

    Rachael Ray… wasn’t she one of those Roller Derby bitches from the 70s?

  12. When Michelle Obama was first telling us what we should be feeding our children, Ray came out and said she does think the government should be telling us what to eat and what to feed our kids. It’s always the ones without children who raise them best isn’t it?
    I stopped watching her then and have refused to buy anything with her name on it.

  13. A celebrity cook (not a chef, even) from the Food Channel and a line of dog food and pots? She must be having falling revenue because that’s the only reason she could possibly have for weighing in on any kind of weighty domestic policy. Progwhore.

  14. Hogg wild refused her apology until she denounces FOX News. Ingraham should have known better than to play with this guy. The only way out of this is go on the attack. Scorched earth attack.

  15. I thought Rachel Ray was smarter than that ????
    Boycotting her show , sponsors and her cookwear Ect .!!!
    They are supporting the making the government take away OUR constitutional rights to bear arms !!!
    These people better open their lying eyes of following emotional lying rhetoric

  16. The best thing about this story & the comments is: you can use his own list, copy/paste a standard polite but firm reply of disagreement, then send it to each of those advertisers — en mass.

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