Rachel Maddow: Keepin’ the Conspiracy Alive – IOTW Report

Rachel Maddow: Keepin’ the Conspiracy Alive

Patriot Retort:  

When it comes to conspiracy theorist Rachel Maddow, it’s never say die!

Poor Rachel was back at it last night determined to find some proof that Trump is an evil, evil baddie and there’s a vast conspiracy led by A.G. Barr to keep him from being frog-marched out of the White House.

She doesn’t care that RussiaGate is coming apart at the seams. She’s going to keep the conspiracy alive!

Can’t you just picture Rachel holed up in her dressing room late at night chain smoking and binge drinking Red Bulls as she pores over Barr’s letter looking for that smoking gun.

But when even that charlatan John Brennan is walking back his hyper-dramatic “Lady Justice doesn’t sign NDAs” hyperbole, you know the game is over.

But not for Rachel!   more here

16 Comments on Rachel Maddow: Keepin’ the Conspiracy Alive

  1. Now she’s calling it the “Barr Report” rather than the “Mueller Report.” Just watch how this new name gets picked up by the deranged mob of Trump haters in the MSDM and Congress. They can’t handle the truth unless it’s their version of the truth.

  2. The latest mantra from the left is “release the full report” I hope the president strings them along until october 2020 when their demands reach a crescendo, and then releases the report, which contains nothing.

  3. ‘Who art thou, seller of dog’s flesh,’ thundered Tallantire, ‘to speak
    of terms and treaties? Get hence to the hills–go, and wait there
    starving, till it shall please the Government to call thy people out for
    punishment–children and fools that ye be! Count your dead, and be
    still. Best assured that the Government will send you a MAN!’

    ‘Ay,’ returned Khoda Dad Khan, ‘for we also be men.’

    As he looked Tallantire between the eyes, he added, ‘And by God, Sahib,
    may thou be that man!’


  4. The forces of evil are nothing if not persistent. This Maddow thing is a mythological harpy, guardian of the underworld. They are known for their hideous appearance and smell. Harpies are wingless in appearance, black, altogether disgusting; they snore with repulsive breaths, they drip from their eyes hateful drops; their attire is not fit to bring either before the statues of the gods or into the homes of men. Bird-bodied, girl-faced things they (Harpies) are; abominable their droppings, their hands are talons, their faces haggard with hunger insatiable.

  5. Fisting, cunnilingus, sodomite perversion, hating men yet adopting all their mannerisms and sexual proclivities.

    Never ever saw anything else in her appeal nor listened to a word heshe said.

    Halo effect.


    If you don’t watch, the viewership goes down and we can’t charge advertisers as much.

    Wait, Trump still owes Blockbuster late and possibly rewinding fees! Stick around for this bombshell!


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