Rachel Maddow Obtains SECRET “Evidence” Against Biden Official… – IOTW Report

Rachel Maddow Obtains SECRET “Evidence” Against Biden Official…


Attorney General Merrick Garland quietly extended a Department of Justice policy requiring prosecutors to pre-clear with him any investigations into presidential candidates and their staffers.

The policy, created in February 2020 by then-Attorney General William Barr, was quietly extended two months ago in a memorandum sent to DOJ employees.

On MSNBC’s The Rachel Maddow Show, host Rachel Maddow shared the document with viewers.

In a memo from May 25 on “election year sensitivities,” Garland directed DOJ employees to abide by a Trump administration era policy of “protecting the integrity of our elections.” Garland wrote:

Department of Justice employees are entrusted with the authority to enforce the laws of the United States and with the responsibility to do so in a neutral and impartial manner.

This is particularly important in an election year. Now that the 2022 election season is upon us, and as in prior election cycles, I am issuing this memorandum to remind you of the Department’s existing policies with respect to political activities.

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“That’s kind of a surprise,” Maddow later said of Garland extending the policy. “That was established by Bill Barr – when he was working for Donald Trump.”

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