Racism Is Tearing The Democrat Party Apart – IOTW Report

Racism Is Tearing The Democrat Party Apart


The long-standing Achilles heel within the BLM objective has still not been overcome.

The internal racism within the “people of color” coalition was always the inherent problem for Barack Obama, Eric Holder and Tom Perez (Team BLM), because the Nation of Islam and New Black Panther Party absolutely dislike Latinos.

When Barack Obama attempted outreach to the Latino community he even changed the language.  Gaining Latino support was the reason the DNC sent out guidance to use the phrase “people of color” instead of “black” during media coverage.  Additionally, Obama’s attempted outreach to the Latino community was always through the illegal alien angle, the “dreamers”; but Obama never delivered on his fake promises and the PoC lingo could not help.

Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam do not like Latinos and/or Hispanics.  The New Black Panthers do not like Latinos and/or Hispanics.  These groups are always in constant conflict.  The friendly political relationship between La Raza and the radical Democrats doesn’t compensate for this massive divide amid Blacks and Latinos.

In one way it is still a generational problem.  Latinos lean heavily Christian; while the radical NoI and NBPP elements who agreed to align within the BLM movement are heavily influenced by Islam.   This is why there are two internal black coalitions.  Modern BLM is influenced by Islam, while the traditional AME coalition is Christian. More

15 Comments on Racism Is Tearing The Democrat Party Apart

  1. “…while the traditional AME coalition is Christian.”

    …based on what I’ve seen of, and my own personal experiences with the AME church, calling it “Christian” is being really, REALLY charitable unless Christ really IS an anti-White bigot with a HUGE racial chip on His shoulder all the time…

  2. “The friendly political relationship between La Raza and the radical Democrats…”

    …just so you know, “LA Raza” means “The Race” as in THEY are Hispanic Supremacist who are both anti-Black AND anti-White.

    …so they are no better at playing nice with the Black Supremacists than the Black Supremacists are with playing nice with THEM, as all the while the elderly White racist running the Democrat party continue to drip contempt for both groups’ ability to do ANYTHING for themselves or survive ANY challenge without lots and lots of Government “help”…

  3. I hope and pray that the various factions under the “progressive” umbrella tear each other limb from limb. Literally. Anyone with any power of observation knows they deserve it.

  4. RadioMattM
    JUNE 13, 2021 AT 10:43 PM

    “…Or are Hispanics only white when they do thing leftists don’t like?”

    …yep. same for Blacks.

    ‘If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black’
    -The Pedophile

  5. never understood the term ‘La Raza’ … what ‘raza’ are they referring? (aside from the fact that Anthropologists designate the human race into 3 categories w/ one sub-category) … where do the ‘hispanics’ fall in to ‘race’? (aside from the fact that ‘hispanic’ was a term invented by Richard Nixon!)
    ‘hispanics’ (or ‘latinos’, if you prefer) are a polyglot of Mesoamericans & Spanish conquerors that speak a decidedly European language

    … so the question stands, what ‘raza’? we are all just one ‘raza’ … get over your melanoma

    … buncha damned igits, I tell ya!

  6. BS! Wishful thinking!
    In ’79 when GHWB called Ronny a xenophobic, racist; “experts” said Jimmy would “Cake walk” to 2nd term! In ’16 when Bush, Rove, Ryan et. al. said Don was a xenophobic, white nationalist ; the experts said “President Clinton 2!”!

    Nothin new here. Decades ago I was Controller of St. Francis Hospital Lynwood. The “Community Activists” and the Espaldos Mojodos” made our ER the most active in LA county! Years before Ronny was president! A VERY LONG HISTORY HERE!

    Dems tend to stick together. Lib GOP tend to support Dems. They fought Barry 57 years ago. They are, and have been fighting Don for 6 years! Ronny is the only conservative the GOP left has backed in 66 years.

  7. The Democrat coalition was doomed one way or another. As soon as a coalition of disparate interests reaches majority status, each of its components starts bidding for increased prestige, privileges…and payoffs. Each of them makes the same claim: “If we leave, you lose your majority!” It’s a direct application of voting power theory.


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