Racist Black Professor – IOTW Report

Racist Black Professor

Her profile on RateMyProfessor has been locked.

Kalunda-Rae Iwamizu

But the reviews are in. She is horrible.

Nov 18th, 2016 This teacher was awful. No better way to say just pure awful! Strongly suggest to stay away from her.

Mar 20th, 2017 Horrible Teacher. Nastiest attitude I’ve ever had from a teacher. I never write reviews but I had to write one about her so that tells you how bad she is. NEVER TAKE THIS CLASS WITH HER!!

Jan 31st, 2017 Has a high attitude, very bad. she gives a lot of work but doesn’t answer any questions that you have. if you don’t ask her about your grade you will never know about it. Her final is either a group project or a 15 paragraph essay. she hates to be corrected or questioned even if shes wrong. its either her way or the highway. i only took her class.

Feb 15th, 2017 She is HORRIBLE! Even as a porsen she is not nice, at all. Very rude, and laughs at you when you ask questions, very hard to understand her lectures. Take her and you will regreat it 100%. Didn’t want to get a C in her class so I dropped it and retook it in the winter and got an A+ with another professor. Hands down worst profesor I ever had.

Jan 15th, 2018 I took Ms. Iwamizu during a summer semester. She’s mostly what all the negative comments say about her, being boastful, prideful, argumentative, and will laugh at your questions.(if there ignorant). I feel if you’re simply not intellectually sound, this professor isn’t for you. I passed with an A.

Aug 7th, 2017 Takes a long time to return papers. Requires the 2nd essay to be submitted before she returns the 1st one, so you don’t know if what you submitted was correct. Changes requirements on assignments after drafts have already been turned in. Won’t answer questions in class and sometimes she comes late. Boastful and rude.

Jul 17th, 2017 When I first took this class, I thought it would be great. She seemed really understanding and caring, however, I was wrong. She rambles forever. Rarely stays on topic. She thinks that she is making a bigger impact than she really was. She is very insecure with herself, very unprofessional. Would NOT recommend at all to anyone.

27 Comments on Racist Black Professor

  1. In reference to he “You know, you’ll never be white?” comment, talk show host Jim Quinn stated “I don’t know, if he shot a black guy, it would take the media about 10 minutes to make him white. Remember George Zimmerman, the ‘white Hispanic’?”.

  2. I know the big thing is to mock “Karens” as overbearing white women.

    But no Karen can ever come close to being as obnoxious, overbearing and unreasonable as a LaShonda.

  3. It’s notable that a student who doesn’t seem to know the difference between they’re & there got a A in her class…..I’d bet big that that student ain’t white!

  4. Wow. The spelling mistakes. These reviews look like they were written by seven-year-olds.

    Not to take away from their points about this teacher, but it appears these students have bigger problems than one terrible professor.

  5. “She is very insecure with herself, very unprofessional.”

    …you really don’t do anyone any favors by promoting them ahead of their merit for ANY reason. If you didn’t take the time and learn the job BEFORE getting it, of COURSE you won’t be able to do it.

    This is why Affirmative Action hires get defensive, because they KNOW they can’t do the job because THEY NEVER HAD TIME TO LEARN IT.

    They feel inferior because they ARE. Not because of their race, but because the White guy got there by suffering the slings and arrows of getting experience, made mistakes, got yelled at, and HAD to learn from them and get BETTER or he’d be FIRED.

    The AA hire got NO experience, was coddled all the way, spent little to no time in the ranks, and no one DARED ever tell them they were wrong about anything, so they literally do not know what they are doing, and it shows.

    Everyone knows it INCLUDING them.

    This does NO ONE any favors but Democrat politicians. They can use the resentment to keep the narrative going about “racism”.

    …meanwhile, the business suffers, the co-worker suffers, and even the AA hire suffers because they were never equipped with the tools to do the job, so they will never be able to do it.

    …they SHOULD be angry, but at the person who PUT them there.

    …but Democrats always misdirect that anger to suit THEIR purposes, and that’s how you get stuff like THIS…

  6. She seems to spew a long string of incomprehensible words together to project the illusion that she’s intellectually gifted. Her other shortcomings aside, this is a good indicator of another total fraud crowding the faculty of these schools and swindling the students.
    Realistically she should utilize her true gifts and seek employment behind a deep fryer in some fast food dump.

  7. She’s bat crap crazy, plus a evil black leftist tool and a terrible professor in a “higher” education institution. She’s “teaching” students who barely have a rudimentary grasp of sentence contruction, which should have been learned in grade school.
    Yeah, this is an example of Marxist Utopia the left wants everyone to experience.

  8. Miserable people spreading misery.
    Kind of the definition of both Affirmative Action and Critical Race Theory.

    If Africa and Africans are so fucking great, why you still here?
    Just don’t make sense.

    izlamo delenda est …


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