Racist Bridges – IOTW Report

Racist Bridges

29 Comments on Racist Bridges

  1. I was given some new luggage. Going on a vacay next week. Think I’ll write “100%” on my luggage for ID. How well do you think that’ll go over with the TSA and baggage handlers?

  2. According to the left everything is racist. The use of the word racist has become as meaningless as the word gay unless you’re a diehard, brain dead left wing peckerhead. It can be manipulated to declare everything as racist, and I mean everything. And especially if it disparages whitey, Jews, Asians, anyone who disagrees with the evil leftist agenda etc. and all the other races and false religions like Islam are exempt from racism.

  3. Pete Buttigeig, perfect for the Navy, the most degenerate of the services. Who knows what goes on the bowels of a ship, but we pretty much know what goes on in Buttigeig’s bowels.

    Winston Churchill, who was once the Admiralty boss, had it right about the Royal Navy: Best known for Rum, Floggings, and Sodomy.

  4. Agreed 99th.
    “Easy on the eyes” said about that homo fuck is only said in an ironic fashion.

    Always looking like a frat-boy that can’t seem to shave close enough to remove the growth of thick stubble, stubble that tickles the anus of his most recent gay bar conquests.

    “Punch-able eyes” is far more apropos…

  5. Let’s be real, he is such an underachieving little faggot douchebag that any other time in history he would have been chucked out a window or stoned to death.
    Instead, he hits the timing lottery and he is celebrated for his sinister debaucherous lifestyle during a stolen regime that encourages and propagates the end of the USA.

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