Racist George Lopez Booed Off Stage – IOTW Report

Racist George Lopez Booed Off Stage

NY Post-

Comic George Lopez was booed off stage at a gala for juvenile diabetes in Denver last week, over an anti-Donald Trump routine that fell flat with the crowd.

We’re told the flap began when Trump backer and Liberty Media CEO Greg Maffei donated $250,000 but requested that Lopez cool it with the anti-Trump jokes at the Carousel Ball.

An attendee at the event — where tables sold from $5,000 to $100,000 to benefit the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes — commented on a YouTube video that “George was asked nicely to stop making Trump jokes by a man in front row [Maffei] who just donated $250K.” But “George doesn’t, continues. Gets booed.”

We’re told that Lopez responded to Maffei, “Thank you for changing my opinion on old white men, but it doesn’t change the way I feel about orange men.”

Trying to recover and sensing the audience turn, Lopez said, “Listen, it’s about the kids . . . I apologize for bringing politics to an event. This is America — it still is. So I apologize to your white privilege.”

We’re told Lopez also told a joke about Trump’s proposed border wall with Mexico, saying, “I guess you can get some Mexicans to do it cheaper and they wouldn’t crush the tunnels ­underneath.”

When the audience did not respond well, he quipped, “Are you El Chapo people?” in reference to the drug kingpin who has used tunnels to evade authorities.

Lopez then announced a video segment — but he did not return to the stage, and a local newscaster took over the hosting duties.

TV host Chris Parente posted on Twitter, “big controversy: host of HUGE charity #CarouselBall, @georgelopez, makes political comments about Trump, drops f-bomb and is escorted out.” But a source close to the comedian insisted to Page Six that Lopez’s segment was “only supposed to be four minutes,” even though he was listed as the night’s emcee.

ht/ js

37 Comments on Racist George Lopez Booed Off Stage

  1. What the hell were they thinking? Inviting that P.O.S. to perform…

    Just got internet back in the Middle Keys….What’d I miss ?

    ( on a side note I’ve had plenty of time to practice My Tucker Carlson

    “What the f*ck are you talking about” look in the mirror)

  2. Never understood the appeal of this panocha gorda.

    I DVR’d a series a while back before “The George Lopez” show debuted and they were pimping the hell out of it. Complete with Danny Trejo portraying every Mexican stereotype in the book as the foil for a sophisticated Jorge. Multiple commercials during every break – before it flopped, of course.

    Like the Fox series “Snowfall” trying to portray a heroic crack dealer from Los Angeles selling rock cocaine sold by the gubmint to poison da black community.

    I don’t understand who these wizards of smart are making these tv shows for.

  3. I admire Sandra Bullock, but I think she made two terrible mistakes in her life. The first one was giving this reject from a donkey show a chance, and the other was Jesse James.

    George Lopez: speaks for the Mexican from Denver, because he sure ain’t gonna take a chance down there. He might get kidnapped.

  4. @cato. Considering that both of his Mexican parents deserted him as a child, Probably some of those thugs are familia.

    I opine that George considers anyone white person with a mother who cares, “privileged”. That’s pretty sad.

  5. I look at that video of the white bald scumbag cheering and laughing, and the white whores giggling, and would love to see a hatchet driven through their skulls.

  6. What an ass! Why politicize a charity event for sick kids? I don’t care who you are, that’s messed up. How does this narcissist have all that money and still complain about white people anyway? GFY.

  7. Very few commode ians deserve a public insult like this one. Lopez is pretty much top of the list for public derision. But to happen in Denver? I would have never thought.

  8. Lopez stopped being funny when he started being La Razza’s fuck boy. Boo’s will not help, but a mass audience walk out would, or refusal to by tickets or attend until Lopez and his ilk are removed from the show. Make them poison and they’ll shut up and go away.

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