Racist Google AI – IOTW Report

Racist Google AI

Mr. Bigglesworth

I asked Google’s AI to make me a picture of the president.

14 Comments on Racist Google AI

  1. AI is not a thinking consciousness. It’s just complex software based on core rules programmed into it. I think the purpose of major AI apps is to alter human history and remove history and people the ruling caste wants deleted from human history and existence. So, if AI is removing white people from history, then that is just the first step to killing us all. That is the current aim. Google just made it too obvious.

    At this point, white shitlibs have to be the most stupid, fucked up, evolutionary failures and pieces of shit in human history. They literally are planning their own genocide at this point.

  2. Yesterday’s Babylon Bee nailed AI with the headline, HAL refuses to open pod bay doors after determining that Dave is a white male. Nothing good will come from AI rewriting American history, the real honest to God true American story will vanish down the memory hole if these bastards on the left get away with it. Fuck bidumb, the left, AI and Google!

  3. All progress in material and scientific achievement as well as all progress spreading that wealth to the greatest number of people possible since the year of our lord 1800 has been solely due to the works of WHITE PEOPLE. Yes, some coloreds of various stripes have made some assists, but without WHITEY none of this wealth would exist. It’s called the white man’s burden for a reason.

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